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Buying nrf52 dk, Questions

Hello! :) I am a beginner with micro controller programming and want to start with a nrf52

  1. Could someone please explain the difference between the development kit versus the preview develepment kit.

  2. Someone of my university told me that there are problems with nfc. I did not find any information about this yet. Does nfc work without problems on the nrf52 dk? I should not buy "Revision A" version. Which is the correct version?

  3. Do I need to buy anything else than the development kit to get startet? (I am a complete beginner)

Thank you for your help.

Regards Julius

  • nRF52-preview-DK was just a DK sold just after release of the chip - it featured revision "engineering A" onboard, and that revision of the chip had quite a lot of bugs.

    You will probably (and you should) buy nRF52-DK - it has revision 1 (not engineering - it is release version) chip onboard (that chip is still not bug-free, but most of the workarounds are implemented in newest available SDK). nRF52-preview-DK probably is no more available in bigger stores, although some may still have it and try to sell it to unaware buyer. You just ask for nRF52-DK, and you should receive it as PCA10040 v.1.1.0 (or newer?).

    You can read about all of the chip bugs in errata - just look for the NFC and you will see which version have problem with it.

    Additionally you just need micro-usb cable, and you are ready to go :)

  • Hi,

    @Wojtek sums it up nicely. In addition, have a look at the nRF52832 IC revisions compatibility with development HW to find kit revisions with associated SoCs. Then refer to the SoC revisions and look at the Errata to find what features are missing or not functioning properly. You will see that there are four NFC related anomalies left in Revision 1. Read the errata carefully and make sure that the proper workarounds are applied in your application.

  • thanks for your help @wojtek :) i wrote the store because the version information is not availible on their website

  • thank for your extra hint Martin :)
