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Buying nrf52 dk, Questions

Hello! :) I am a beginner with micro controller programming and want to start with a nrf52

  1. Could someone please explain the difference between the development kit versus the preview develepment kit.

  2. Someone of my university told me that there are problems with nfc. I did not find any information about this yet. Does nfc work without problems on the nrf52 dk? I should not buy "Revision A" version. Which is the correct version?

  3. Do I need to buy anything else than the development kit to get startet? (I am a complete beginner)

Thank you for your help.

Regards Julius

  • nRF52-preview-DK was just a DK sold just after release of the chip - it featured revision "engineering A" onboard, and that revision of the chip had quite a lot of bugs.

    You will probably (and you should) buy nRF52-DK - it has revision 1 (not engineering - it is release version) chip onboard (that chip is still not bug-free, but most of the workarounds are implemented in newest available SDK). nRF52-preview-DK probably is no more available in bigger stores, although some may still have it and try to sell it to unaware buyer. You just ask for nRF52-DK, and you should receive it as PCA10040 v.1.1.0 (or newer?).

    You can read about all of the chip bugs in errata - just look for the NFC and you will see which version have problem with it.

    Additionally you just need micro-usb cable, and you are ready to go :)

  • nRF52-preview-DK was just a DK sold just after release of the chip - it featured revision "engineering A" onboard, and that revision of the chip had quite a lot of bugs.

    You will probably (and you should) buy nRF52-DK - it has revision 1 (not engineering - it is release version) chip onboard (that chip is still not bug-free, but most of the workarounds are implemented in newest available SDK). nRF52-preview-DK probably is no more available in bigger stores, although some may still have it and try to sell it to unaware buyer. You just ask for nRF52-DK, and you should receive it as PCA10040 v.1.1.0 (or newer?).

    You can read about all of the chip bugs in errata - just look for the NFC and you will see which version have problem with it.

    Additionally you just need micro-usb cable, and you are ready to go :)
