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Add CTS current time service

Hi all,

i want to add a cts service to my project. i started with ble_cts example of sdk 11.0, but it's not clear what is the correct procedure to do it. I add the service in service init and the db_ event_handler and cts_event_handler in my project. But the problem is that softdevice don't receive the BLE_GATTC_EVT_CHAR_DISC_RSP. There is other thing that i must done? What is the correct procedure to add a service current time?

Thank you!!

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  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember in reply to annapalu

    Good that you were able to solve the problem!

  • Thank you so much for the support!!!

    Now I have a new issue, with master control panel it's works and print data. If i use nRFtoolbox, because i want use a glucose measurement profile, the current service profile is not found. With master control panel i add manually the cts service. Is There a similary procedure to add cts service for nRF toolbox??

    Thanks a lot.

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember in reply to annapalu

    I would think that the glucose measurement profile in the nRF Toolbox does only look for the UUIDs contained in the Glucose profile. The nRF Toolbox is open source, so you can modify the glucose measurement profile to look for the CTS profile as well. The source code for the nRF Toolbox can be found from this pagehere. The source code for nRF Master Control panel is not available, but it comes with an API, the API can be found from here.

  • Hi Kristin, can you give me a suggestion about how modify the source file of nRFGO tools to add the cts service. Thanks.

    N.b. I open a new discussion about this
