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Add CTS current time service

Hi all,

i want to add a cts service to my project. i started with ble_cts example of sdk 11.0, but it's not clear what is the correct procedure to do it. I add the service in service init and the db_ event_handler and cts_event_handler in my project. But the problem is that softdevice don't receive the BLE_GATTC_EVT_CHAR_DISC_RSP. There is other thing that i must done? What is the correct procedure to add a service current time?

Thank you!!

  • I understand what happens. I don't start the db_discovery_manager (ble_db_discovery_start), that is implemented in the device_manager but not in peer_manager. I add it and now seems that it works... Thank you!!

  • Thank you so much for the support!!!

    Now I have a new issue, with master control panel it's works and print data. If i use nRFtoolbox, because i want use a glucose measurement profile, the current service profile is not found. With master control panel i add manually the cts service. Is There a similary procedure to add cts service for nRF toolbox??

    Thanks a lot.

  • Thank you so much for the support!!!

    Now I have a new issue, with master control panel it's works and print data. If i use nRFtoolbox, because i want use a glucose measurement profile, the current service profile is not found. With master control panel i add manually the cts service. Is There a similary procedure to add cts service for nRF toolbox??

    Thanks a lot.

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