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sparkfun txb0104 level sifter and nrf52


We are trying to get nrf52 to work with 1.8v spi master. We are using level sifter with it. However when we connect the nrf52 to level sifter to spi output, the whole thing pretty much explodes logic vise. The sparkfun says this level sifter cannot be used with other than push-pull-type signaling. Is your spi not this type?

EDIT: with default SPIS lines the MISO is still crap:

#define SPIS0_CONFIG_SCK_PIN         2
#define SPIS0_CONFIG_MOSI_PIN        3
#define SPIS0_CONFIG_MISO_PIN        4

image description

There the blue is clock and yellow is the MISO line. The picture is from nrf side of the level sifter. MOSI is OK. In below blue is again clock and yellow is MOSI.

image description

  • SPI peripheral on the nRF52 is activly driven, i.e. Push-Pull, so this should not be an issue. Are you able to provide a logic trace/capture of the SPI lines? If so could you provide a trace of the SPI input and output to/from the level shifter.

    I also found this in the comment section on the Sparkfun product page(here is the link) :

    One problem I ran into–and it is a problem with the IC, not with SparkFun’s breakout board–is that the IC will oscillate if the load on any output is too heavy. If you find that is the case, add a buffer IC downstream of the output.


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