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Review of nRF 8001 schematic with Antennae

I have a schematic in which Balun is connected as a matching network to Ant1&Ant2 pins making the output impedance 50 ohms. Now i want to connect an Antennae to it which is surely of 50ohm but i have read in previous questions on the forum that tuning pi network has to be connected between the output impedance and the antennae(50 ohm). I am attaching my Schematic, review it and can you tell me what will be the values in the pi network i.e the values of L1,C8 and C15. And which antennae should i connect i.e whether PCB Antennae or another. And what will be the specification of the antennae to be connected? Review the schematics and answer the above questions. Any help is appreciated!!.


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