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Problem programming custom PCBs on nrf51822

Hi, I tried my best to solve my problem via forum but unfortunately no success. I got nrf51 DK and played with it a lot. successfully program the samples and tweak them a bit. using SDK 5.1 and s110 v6.

The problem starts when I try custom boards. I have made one based on QFAAC0 for which:

I have same problem with a board I purchased online, PTR5528 which is based on CEAA . Can program blinky but no BLE.

Is there something that I am doing wrong. I did connect the board to 3 V and connected the segger programmer pins as explained in the forum (That's how I program without an error)

Thanks in advanced for your help, Ali

  • I'm having similar trouble with QFAAC0, it basically hangs on the SOFTDEVICE_HANDLER_INIT code... same sequence of loading works fine on the DK board (newer/diff rev chip)...

    I'm running s110 v6 ..... bit annoying as I've just picked up 10 of these little boards to use and dead in the water with them at the mo.

    Did you have any resolution to this problem?

  • I'm having similar trouble with QFAAC0, it basically hangs on the SOFTDEVICE_HANDLER_INIT code... same sequence of loading works fine on the DK board (newer/diff rev chip)...

    I'm running s110 v6 ..... bit annoying as I've just picked up 10 of these little boards to use and dead in the water with them at the mo.

    Did you have any resolution to this problem?

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