I was testing BLE Heart Rate Collector Example with two nRF52832 devices, one was programmed with ble_app_hrs_c as a BLE central role, and the other was programmed with ble_app_hrs as a BLE peripheral role.
Information for both devices is as below:
- Softdevice s132 with firmware S132_nRF52_2.0.0
- Nordicsemi nRF5 SDK v11.0.0
- PATH: examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_hrs\pca10040\s132\arm5_no_packs
- PATH: examples\ble_central\ble_app_hrs_c\pca10040\s132\arm5_no_packs
I followed the steps at this .
And both LED1 of two nRF52832 devices were blinking in the beginning and then remained "ON" which means two devices were connected, but eventually, I couldn't see any UART output on my Windows 7 with neither Tera Term V4.92 nor Termite 3.2
I also followed UART settings:
Baud rate: 115.200 // 8 data bits // 1 stop bit // No parity // HW flow control: RTS/CTS
Moreover, I've tested the ble_app_hrs using Nordicsemi toolbox App and could successfully receive Heart Rate Measurement from device.
So, my problem is how can I observe the Heart Rate Measurement received from BLE Heart Rate Collector on my Windows 7? Any suggestion or settings for Tera term/Termite would be great appreciated!!!