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File system on external (spi) flash - design recommendations


We are developing a pretty complicated multi-threaded application on nRF52832.

Part of the requirements are storing a large amount of data over time (Megabytes).

We are considering using an external flash memory with the following properties:

  • Low power
  • Serial (SPI) interface (we were thinking of AT45DB642 by Adesto inc.)
  • Easy implementation of file-system api (fopen, fread, fwrite fclose etc)
  • Lives within RTOS (freeRTOS ?). Has to be 'multi-thread aware'

As we are using MDK Keil environment, I've noticed that it has a built-in support for the above requirements on STM ICs (for instance).

On the attached screenshot the left side shows the modules included in order to implement file system functionality out-of-the-box in an STM32F103B platform. When trying to include the same components in nRF52832 project (right side), some of the components are not available + some of the required components are CMSIS\Core & CMSIS\Driver which, if I understand correctly, are not (well) supported in the latest SDk versions (see comment in this post).

I guess my question is what would be the easiest, fastest, less cumbersome, minimal coding (you got the point :) way to address above requirements.

Many thanks for any guidance.

image description 2018-01-03 13_58_13-.png
