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Nordic semiconductor package does not load

Hi everybody,

I just received the nRF51822 EK and as I was starting to set it up I ran into this. It took me a while to figure it out but when trying lo load the blinky project a prompt saying cannot load flash appeared and then it complained about the device support.

After a while I figured out that the problem was the software pack, for some reason it does not appear on the target device selection and when I open the pack installer and try to add it as a zip gives me an error. Note that this error prompts anyway when I open it since I checked the pack folder and it is already there. See the screenshot below:

image description

At this point I really dont know what to do, I thought it might be version 5.XX that does not recognize the package so I installed 4.74 and still the same issue.

I have been with this for 8 hours now, any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

