Hello everyone,
Could anyone tell me which pins are the programming pins of the nRF51822 chip for a QFN48 packet ? How can I program it on my custom PCB?
Hello everyone,
Could anyone tell me which pins are the programming pins of the nRF51822 chip for a QFN48 packet ? How can I program it on my custom PCB?
Pin 23 (SWIO / nReset) and 24 (SWDCLK). It is using Two Wire Interface protocol also called I2C : en.wikipedia.org/.../I²C
The programming pins are 23 and 24, SWDIO and SWDCLK. As the name suggest, these pins implement the Serial Wire Debug (SWD) interface defined by ARM.
We normally recommend using Segger's programmers with our kits, and with the Development Kit we deliver a small programmer that can be used to program also custom boards. Also have a look at these questions: What's the difference between nRF51822 Evaluation and Development kits? Can I use my nRF51822 EK (PC10001) to debug a custom PCB board?
The pins are correct, but the protocol is not. See my other answer.
I really appreciate your concern, thank you for the detailed explanation :)
RedBearLab's MK-20 dongle is also a cheap alternative to programming custom boards isn't it?