Hello everyone,
Could anyone tell me which pins are the programming pins of the nRF51822 chip for a QFN48 packet ? How can I program it on my custom PCB?
Hello everyone,
Could anyone tell me which pins are the programming pins of the nRF51822 chip for a QFN48 packet ? How can I program it on my custom PCB?
Pin 23 (SWIO / nReset) and 24 (SWDCLK). It is using Two Wire Interface protocol also called I2C : en.wikipedia.org/.../I²C
Pin 23 (SWIO / nReset) and 24 (SWDCLK). It is using Two Wire Interface protocol also called I2C : en.wikipedia.org/.../I²C
The pins are correct, but the protocol is not. See my other answer.