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SPIS on nRF51822


While I was making SPIS part, I got several issues.

I am using STM32L151CB for SPI Master and nRF51822 for SPI Slave. It seems many people had issues with SPIS.

SPIS Setting Code is here.


image description

err_code = spi_slave_evt_handler_register(spi_slave_event_handle);

spi_slave_config.pin_miso      		= SPI1_MISO_PIN;
spi_slave_config.pin_mosi       	= SPI1_MOSI_PIN;
spi_slave_config.pin_sck			= SPI1_SCK_PIN;
spi_slave_config.pin_csn          	= SPI1_CSN_PIN;
spi_slave_config.mode             	= SPI_MODE_1;			// CPOL : 0  / CPHA : 1    From Cortex-M3
spi_slave_config.bit_order        	= SPIM_MSB_FIRST;            
spi_slave_config.def_tx_character	= DEF_CHARACTER;      	// 0xAA
spi_slave_config.orc_tx_character	= ORC_CHARACTER;      	// 0x55

err_code = spi_slave_init(&spi_slave_config);
err_code = spi_slave_buffers_set(m_tx_buf, m_rx_buf, sizeof(m_tx_buf), sizeof(m_rx_buf));



STM32L151 is using CPOL as 0 and CPHA as 0, so I set SPI_MODE as SPI_MODE_1, and it uses MSB_First.

Is there any problem?

  1. Are initial values of MAXRX and MAXTX registers right values?

image description

  1. After setting NRF_SPIS1->DEF register, I found something strange on register values.

2.1 NRF_SPIS1->ORC = 0x55 doesn't work at all. See below 2 capture images. image description image description

2.2 NRF_SPIS1->SHORTS register is not able to change. See below 2 capture images. Of course, I checked SPIS_SHORTS_END_ACQUIRE_Enabled is 0x01. image description image description

  1. NRF_SPIS1->INTENCLR is set automatically when NRF_SPIS1->INTENSET is set. See below 2 images. image description image description

Because my code can't jump into spi_slave_event_handle(SPIS handler), so I have been struggling with codes, and I want to know whether I made any mistakes for SPIS setting.

Thank you for reading, and I hope to see your answer. Thanks.

