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pstorage store issue


I recently using pstorage to store data

and the pstorage_store(); funtion always returns NRF_SUCCESS, but never triggle the cb_handler, is that normal?

by the way, i just sucessfully store the data once and never success again.(the loaded data is 0xff)

Can someone points out the problems? Thank you very much!

here is my code:

void mypstorage_init(void)
	uint16_t block=0;
	uint8_t flash2[16]={16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1};
	uint16_t size=16;
	uint16_t offset=0;
	pstorage_handle_t p_block_id;	

	cb_init mycbinit;

	pstorage_module_param_t p_example_param;

	    // Setup pstorage with 60blocks of 16byte in each.
            p_example_param.block_size  = 0x10; // recommended to be >= 4 byte
            p_example_param.block_count = 60;//60
            p_example_param.cb          = mycbinit.example_cb_handler;

	pstorage_register(&p_example_param, &m_p_example_id);

	pstorage_block_identifier_get(&m_p_example_id, block, &p_block_id);


 typedef struct
      pstorage_ntf_cb_t   example_cb_handler;                   
} cb_init;

void example_cb_handler(pstorage_handle_t *  p_handle,
                              uint8_t              op_code,
                              uint32_t             result,
                              uint8_t *            p_data,
                              uint32_t             data_len)
  • pstorage_store(); funtion always returns NRF_SUCCESS, but never triggle the cb_handler, is that normal?

    You need to init pstorage callback like this:

    void mypstorage_init(void)
                p_example_param.cb          = example_cb_handler;
    void example_cb_handler(pstorage_handle_t *  p_handle,
                                  uint8_t              op_code,
                                  uint32_t             result,
                                  uint8_t *            p_data,
                                  uint32_t             data_len)

    by the way, i just sucessfully store the data once and never success again.(the loaded data is 0xff)

    You are doing it wrong, if you do it like this:


    Then when you call pstorage_store you just send request to store your data to pstorage and when this function will return with NRF_SUCCESS your data won't be stored in flash yet. It will be stored after a while and then pstorage will report this in callback example_cb_handler. And only after this you can try to load this stored data.

    Read this.


    What do you mean by running out of control?

    For the proper pstorage functioning you need to set sys events handler like this:

    static void sys_evt_dispatch(uint32_t sys_evt)
    static void ble_stack_init(void)
        // Register with the SoftDevice handler module for SYS events.
        err_code = softdevice_sys_evt_handler_set(sys_evt_dispatch);
  • I tried use the original example project "ble_app_template" and try again, and I successfully get into the cb_handler and load the data successfully, I think it might just because I modified the schedluer or something else in my project to cause the problem. Thank you very much!

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