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3D Motion Problem in a Specified Movement


(I also create an issue over Thingy SDK GitHub page - #29)

It seems to me that there is an issue about the usage of MPU-9250.

I motioned Thingy and I observed its movement on the app. In all movement combination, SDK finds Thingy' s location perfectly (I can see it on the app) except one movement.

Now, I am trying to explain this problematic movement.

I put the Thingy (on its bigger surface) on a table in the way that for example "Nordic Semiconductor" text is seen right to me when I look to the Thingy on the table from above.
I put the thingy like I said (on a flat surface) and without removing Thingy from the table surface, I turned it to clockwise and counterclockwise. This movement occurs very problematic results and I can see it on the app, its location is not stable and it jumps.
Then, I put the Thingy on its other (smaller) surface on the table and I follow the same procedure and again the result is problematic just when I exactly do the SAME movement (clockwise and counterclockwise).

This situation really bad for our future project and I cannot overcome it by myself. I don't know actually MPU driver causes this problem, or your SDK or is it a real problem also.

Could you please help me about that.


Here are my steps while testing the issue:

  • We get Thingy52 and we use your code in this repository under the path: project\pca20020_s132\arm5_no_packs\ble_app_thingy_s132_pca20020.uvprojx.
  • I use Keil and I can build the project with no error or warning
  • I use NRFGostudio to program the device. While doing that, I use the hex file that my Keil generated to program application part and I use the soft device s132 hex file under the path: sdk_components\softdevice\s132\hex
  • Then I download the app Thingy app to Android and iPhone (results same)
  • Then I motion the thingy and observe its motions on the app. My observations are just like mentioned above.
  • Hi, 


    I don't really see a problem when trying to do the same here. Have you tested on other thingy ? 

    Could you read the thingy version on the sticker on the PCB ? 

    Have you updated the firmware (should be automatically from the app) ? 

    Could you capture a screenshot video when you do that to show the problem ? 

  • Hello,

    First of all, thank you for your reply.

    I did not test this problem with another Thingy but we test it with another device that we produced by using your open source documents (our designed card photos in the link) and with our card, the result is same, problematic.

    In the link, I added the Thingy PCB photo that product version information can be seen clearly.

    I also add a video to the link. In this video, we moved the Thingy and there is no problem until second-20. With the movement at that second, you can see what I mean. Then, we put the Thingy on the table on its smaller surface and did the same movement again and it is still problematic. If you just look at the difference between frames at second-33 and second-46 (I also add these frames to the link) you can clearly see our problem.

    The link:

  • Hello,

    First of all, thank you for your reply.

    I did not test this problem with another Thingy but we test it with another device that we produced by using your open source documents (our designed card photos in the link) and with our card, the result is same, problematic.

    In the link, I added the Thingy PCB photo that product version information can be seen clearly.

    I also add a video to the link. In this video, we moved the Thingy and there is no problem until second-20. With the movement at that second, you can see what I mean. Then, we put the Thingy on the table on its smaller surface and did the same movement again and it is still problematic. If you just look at the difference between frames at second-33 and second-46 (I also add these frames to the link) you can clearly see our problem.

    The link:
