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Problem with nrf51-ble-app-temp


I have few problem with this project. I took the source file from and I modified the main.c to use with S110 6.0.0, nRF51 SDK version 6.0.0 and nRF51822 Evaluation Kit (PCA10001) version 2.2.0. For temperature with the function sd_temp_get(&temp), I have an error code = 15 (forbidden operation-> Tried to write to or read from protected location). Furthermore, after I have put errorcode = 0, in the place of sd_temp_get(&temp) function and temp = 0, the PCA10001 seems to work, but I can not connect the EK to nRF Temp 2.0 app on my smart phone. So, there is something that I don't understand. Can you help me, please?

I remember you that I use Keil uVision 5.0 for compiling the project. Is there any setup to do in this development tool?



  • The 6.0.0 version of the S110 stack is compatible with version 5.2.0 of the SDK. Version 6.0.0 of the SDK is compatible with version 7.0.0 of the stack. I recommend you either upgrade your stack or downgrade your SDK.

  • The 6.0.0 version of the S110 stack is compatible with version 5.2.0 of the SDK. Version 6.0.0 of the SDK is compatible with version 7.0.0 of the stack. I recommend you either upgrade your stack or downgrade your SDK.

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