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JLinkExe: can not connect to target (nRF51822 - G0 rev)

Hi all !

I have been working on an nRF51822 based board for a little while, the ten 1st prototypes worked well so we asked our factory to make 20 other with the same design files.

Even after a hard week of debugging (and PAN doc + forum investigation), we still struggle to find why we get can not connect to target.

The CPU revision is now a G0 and the 1st batch had a C0 but it should not be a problem. Anyway, to demonstrate this problem, we made a couple of videos / pictures to compare the faulty batch to the old one, which works.

  1. We connect the probe and launch JLinkExe -if SWD -device nRF51822 to see if the CPU is detected, but it works on the old boards, not on the new one:

  1. We also tried to recover the CPU with nRF go studio but it failed too:

image description

  1. The power supply could be a problem so we checked it and we compared all the decoupling capacitors, no problem there.

EDIT: we also tried to power the board with 3.3V but it didn't help (thanks a lot Nguyen Hoan Hoang for the suggestion):

image description

There is a difference in the DEC1 pin voltage between C0 and G0 revisions though, but we compared with another working G0 board and it's coherent:

  1. The PCBs are beautiful and cleanly soldered so we don't think that it can be the problem, but we might be wrong.

EDIT2: We've also investigated the way the reset is done but we didn't find much that could help. Is it possible without a jlink connection ?

Would anyone have any suggestion on further investigations to understand what's wrong with these boards ?

Thanks a lot for your help !

Cedric ;)

PS: if the design can be helpful, it's open source and available online:

  • I am very curious to know what could be wrong. Let me know how it goes with the new G0. If all fail then may be the PCB is marginal. You may add more ground plane area. May be avoid the SWDIO trace going under the Pulldown resistor of the SWCLK. How many layers is your PCB ? I assume it's a 2 layers.

  • I am very curious to know what could be wrong. Let me know how it goes with the new G0. If all fail then may be the PCB is marginal. You may add more ground plane area. May be avoid the SWDIO trace going under the Pulldown resistor of the SWCLK. How many layers is your PCB ? I assume it's a 2 layers.
