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nrf52840 dongle programming with SEGGER.

Hi, I bougth 2 nrf52840 dongle but I dont't know how to use it or program them. So I tried to learn about it looking the getting started guide, this beginners tutorial and stuff like that.

I work on Win10, SEGGER Embedded Studio for ARM V3.50(64bit).

Now I have a problem that I cannot solve. The problem Is that I want to try to compile and run any example (now the blinky_pca10059_mbr) in the SDK 15.0 for the PCA10059 (nrf52840 dongle) to program the dongle and learn about it, but, when I compile and run the example SEGGER J-Link appear and ask me "Emulator selector - No emulators connected via USB"

The dongle is connected via USB and with his red led flashing.

Executing the J-Link with the System command line shows the same result. Did I miss something? Should I do something before build and run an example? Which is the correct order to program the dongle?

(I already install python and nrfutil to mess with the public key problem)

Thanks a lot and sorry if i made some random language mistake while i was explaining myself.

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