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how to use sd_ble_gattc_relationships_discovery to discovery

hi all: how to use sd_ble_gattc_relationships_discover to discover att handle?

as my question Use Nordic BTLE Soc with other Vendor BTLE Compatibility

i found this issue that nordic sdk(s120 and mastercontrol panel) use Primary Service Discovery and softdevice(contain a Primary Service 0x2800).

so when i use Vendor BLE module ,that will not return group type response from slave. when i use iphone with vendor ble module, that use read by type with UUID(Device Name) as attachment file(*1 and *2).

*1 readbyname.png readbyname.pcapng

  • Are you looking for details on how to use the sd_ble_gattc_relationships_discover() or are you having other issues?

    What chip and SDK are you using? Can you be more specific on how you setup your tests and what it is that actually doesn't work the way you thought it would?

  • hi , i don't sure how to use sd_ble_gattc_relationships_discover function.

    currently, at my project "sd_ble_gattc_primary_services_discover()"

    the chip and sdk version is nRF51822 EAAD0,softdevice S120 1.00 and SDK5.2.0

    The Test setup: 0. use BLE sniffer to capture the packet. 1. only use the S120 ble_app_hrs_c sample,to connect Vendor BLE module . it connect Success, but that seem can't get the handle range by sd_ble_gattc_primary_services_discover()

    2.when use the LightBlue to connect Vendor BLE module. it will work correctly. the the sniffer cap file , when CONNECT_REQ , the 1(S120 with vendor) GATT Primary Service Declaration,Find By type value request(0x06) ; another 2(iphone with vendor) Revd Read By Type request,Device Name,Read By type request(0x08).

    The results, i think the Vendor BLE module can't use "GATT Primary Service Declaration,Find By type value request(0x06) "

  • What do you input into the sd_ble_gattc_primary_services_discover()? I assume you set the handle range for the master (S120) to start looking through the attributes available on the slave/peripheral side?

    The S120 code example heart rate collector (is this the one you use) needs the display module to work, if not the definition of the macro APPL_LCD_PRINT_ENABLE in main.c of this application must be commented out. If this is not done, the application will not run as expected.

    If I understand you correct, you are able to connect this module you have with an iPhone. What code are you running on the module?
