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Can't debug with S110 7.0.0 using SDK6.1.0

First I load soft device through nRFgo. Then I run debug with eclipse. I then step through code in main.c ...

(I'm using QFAAG0 chip)

Stepping worked fine when I used SDK4.4.1 and S110 5.2.1. Stepping fails when I used SDK6.1.0 and S110 7.0.0. Hits signal trap. Can't step through code. However I verified program is loaded and runs correctly when I power cycle.

(Do I need to set the program counter manually?)

I have attached my log file for the failing case.


Parents Reply
  • My program compiles fine and the device works properly when I program it. So I have a working .hex/.out file. I just would like to get the GDB debugger to work correctly. I was hoping this would be a quick solution (e.g. configuration setting). I read your blog site. It would be starting from scratch. I will revert back to SDK 4.4.1 and S110 5.2.1 which has been working fine for me. Hopefully this problem with go away with the next SDK release.

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