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Discovering a VS UUID Characterisic, but it shows UUID as 0


I am running SDK15, and using the example ble_app_interactive in ble_central and peripheral. I am trying to discover services and characteristic from a peripheral device, using NRF52 DK as a central device. There is a lot of services and VS services and characteristic in the peripheral. I can discover the services, and see the VS UUID services. As seen on picture:

But when i try to discover the characteristics in the VS services, it writes out the UUID as 0. I have also made it print out it handles and it does have it's handles Both things is shown in pictures below.

The UUID is 0. This is by using gatt characteristics <address> 2EAF.

If i then try to write gatt characteristics <address> AE62. I still don't get UUID, but my progam also crashes and gives me error code 11, but this is in the CCCD descriptor, as seen on picture:

I have made extra logging. I have also increased NRF_SDH_BLE_VS_UUID_COUNT in sdk_config. I have also increased my maximum characterstics and services. Hope you can help.

Regards Andreas 

  • Hi Dresse, 

    Please post a full log of your test, including the commands you type in. I don't see the part where you find the VS services I would suggest you also test first with connecting to ble_app_uart, just to test if it would work with a simple custom profile. 

  • Alright, I now have the full log. I have added some extra text to the program, so I know where it is, hope you can see past that. The first log file, show the communation between the hearingaid, and the Nordic.


    =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2018.11.20 11:16:30 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
    uart_cli:~$ conn    scvan on      an onScan started
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Scanning
    uart_cli:~$ devicesDevice 00:16:94:1B:29:7A PXC 550
    Device 70:21:3B:A6:4F:D4 32:c8:53:30:31:30
    uart_cli:~$ devicesDevice 00:16:94:1B:29:7A PXC 550
    Device 70:21:3B:A6:4F:D4 32:c8:53:30:31:30
    Device E2:4E:06:F7:E3:BC tkr
    Device 7D:20:E7:E5:49:8D 24:31:41:5a:1a:14
    Device 00:16:94:28:DF:13 MB 660 MS
    uart_cli:~$ devicesDevice 00:16:94:1B:29:7A PXC 550
    Device 70:21:3B:A6:4F:D4 32:c8:53:30:31:30
    Device E2:4E:06:F7:E3:BC tkr
    Device 7D:20:E7:E5:49:8D 24:31:41:5a:1a:14
    Device 00:16:94:28:DF:13 MB 660 MS
    Device 08:DF:1F:DB:08:A2 LE-B35C
    Device 00:16:94:28:4F:D3 MB 660 MS
    Device 6A:99:24:40:D5:B1 DUT-SLAVE
    Device 58:0E:A3:72:C2:D5 DUT-SLAVE
    Device 47:2E:8C:88:AC:44 [LG] webOS TV UJ630V
    Device A0:6F:AA:46:31:D1 612MANJ6A687 UW341C
    Device C8:0A:9C:09:3E:38 Tile
    Device F0:DF:FB:66:20:1F Tile
    uart_cli:~$ devicesDevice 00:16:94:1B:29:7A PXC 550
    Device 70:21:3B:A6:4F:D4 32:c8:53:30:31:30
    Device E2:4E:06:F7:E3:BC tkr
    Device 7D:20:E7:E5:49:8D 24:31:41:5a:1a:14
    Device 00:16:94:28:DF:13 MB 660 MS
    Device 08:DF:1F:DB:08:A2 LE-B35C
    Device 00:16:94:28:4F:D3 MB 660 MS
    Device 6A:99:24:40:D5:B1 DUT-SLAVE
    Device 58:0E:A3:72:C2:D5 DUT-SLAVE
    Device 47:2E:8C:88:AC:44 [LG] webOS TV UJ630V
    Device A0:6F:AA:46:31:D1 612MANJ6A687 UW341C
    Device C8:0A:9C:09:3E:38 Tile
    Device F0:DF:FB:66:20:1F Tile
    uart_cli:~$ devicesDevice 00:16:94:1B:29:7A PXC 550
    Device 70:21:3B:A6:4F:D4 32:c8:53:30:31:30
    Device E2:4E:06:F7:E3:BC tkr
    Device 7D:20:E7:E5:49:8D 24:31:41:5a:1a:14
    Device 00:16:94:28:DF:13 MB 660 MS
    Device 08:DF:1F:DB:08:A2 LE-B35C
    Device 00:16:94:28:4F:D3 MB 660 MS
    Device 6A:99:24:40:D5:B1 DUT-SLAVE
    Device 58:0E:A3:72:C2:D5 DUT-SLAVE
    Device 47:2E:8C:88:AC:44 [LG] webOS TV UJ630V
    Device A0:6F:AA:46:31:D1 612MANJ6A687 UW341C
    Device C8:0A:9C:09:3E:38 Tile
    Device F0:DF:FB:66:20:1F Tile
    uart_cli:~$ devicesDevice 00:16:94:1B:29:7A PXC 550
    Device 70:21:3B:A6:4F:D4 32:c8:53:30:31:30
    Device E2:4E:06:F7:E3:BC tkr
    Device 7D:20:E7:E5:49:8D 24:31:41:5a:1a:14
    Device 00:16:94:28:DF:13 MB 660 MS
    Device 08:DF:1F:DB:08:A2 LE-B35C
    Device 00:16:94:28:4F:D3 MB 660 MS
    Device 6A:99:24:40:D5:B1 DUT-SLAVE
    Device 58:0E:A3:72:C2:D5 DUT-SLAVE
    Device 47:2E:8C:88:AC:44 [LG] webOS TV UJ630V
    Device A0:6F:AA:46:31:D1 612MANJ6A687 UW341C
    Device C8:0A:9C:09:3E:38 Tile
    Device F0:DF:FB:66:20:1F Tile
    uart_cli:~$ devicesDevice 00:16:94:1B:29:7A PXC 550
    Device 70:21:3B:A6:4F:D4 32:c8:53:30:31:30
    Device E2:4E:06:F7:E3:BC tkr
    Device 7D:20:E7:E5:49:8D 24:31:41:5a:1a:14
    Device 00:16:94:28:DF:13 MB 660 MS
    Device 08:DF:1F:DB:08:A2 LE-B35C
    Device 00:16:94:28:4F:D3 MB 660 MS
    Device 6A:99:24:40:D5:B1 DUT-SLAVE
    Device 58:0E:A3:72:C2:D5 DUT-SLAVE
    Device 47:2E:8C:88:AC:44 [LG] webOS TV UJ630V
    Device A0:6F:AA:46:31:D1 612MANJ6A687 UW341C
    Device C8:0A:9C:09:3E:38 Tile
    Device F0:DF:FB:66:20:1F Tile
    Device 7E:E7:30:C3:9F:96 ac_hi_test_hi_ECC5
    Device 6C:E2:A9:F8:EE:29 [LG] webOS TV UJ634V
    uart_cli:~$ connect ac_hi_test_hi_ECC5uart_cli:~$ uart_cli:~$ <info> app: CENTRAL: Connecting...
    uart_cli:~$ Connected to address: uart_cli:~$ 7E uart_cli:~$ E7 uart_cli:~$ 30 uart_cli:~$ C3 uart_cli:~$ 9F uart_cli:~$ 96 uart_cli:~$ 
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: CENTRAL: Connected, handle: 0.
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Data length updated to 27 bytes.
    uart_cli:~$ Current MTU: 158
    uart_cli:~$ MTU changed successfully
    uart_cli:~$ pair LESC 7E:E7:30:C3:9F:96 Start pairing
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: PERIPHERAL: BLE_GAP_EVT_AUTH_STATUS: status=0x0 bond=0x1 lv4: 0
    uart_cli:~$ <info> peer_manager_handler: Connection secured: role: Central, conn_handle: 0, procedure: Bonding
    uart_cli:~$ gatt 
    uart_cli:~$ gatt 
    uart_cli:~$ gatt services 7E:E7:30:C3:9F:96 uart_cli:~$ <info> app: GATT Services
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Saving all Service DATA
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Saving all Service DATA
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Enters VS UUID Discovery
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Enters VS UUID Discovery
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Enters VS UUID Discovery
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Enters VS UUID Discovery
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Enters VS UUID Discovery
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Services count: 9
    uart_cli:~$ Found service UUIDs: 
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 1800 type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 1801 type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 180A type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 180F type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 0 type: 0x2
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 0 type: 0x3
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 0 type: 0x4
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 0 type: 0x5
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 0 type: 0x6
    uart_cli:~$ gatt services 7E:E7:30:C3:9F:96uart_cli:~$ <info> app: GATT Services
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Saving all Service DATA
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Saving all Service DATA
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Services count: 9
    uart_cli:~$ Found service UUIDs: 
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 1800 type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 1801 type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 180A type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 180F type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: F4BD type: 0x2
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: F2B4 type: 0x3
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 3049 type: 0x4
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 2EAF type: 0x5
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: AE62 type: 0x6
    uart_cli:~$ gatt characteristics 7E:E7:30:C3:9F:96 2EAFuart_cli:~$ <info> app: Count: 7
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_decl.handle: 5C
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_value_handle: 5D
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_data.uuid: 0
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_decl.handle: 5E
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_value_handle: 5F
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_data.uuid: 0
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_decl.handle: 60
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_value_handle: 61
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_data.uuid: 0
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_decl.handle: 62
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_value_handle: 63
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_data.uuid: 0
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_decl.handle: 64
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_value_handle: 65
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_data.uuid: 0
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_decl.handle: 66
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_value_handle: 67
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_data.uuid: 0
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_decl.handle: 68
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_value_handle: 69
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_data.uuid: 0
    uart_cli:~$ Characteristic UUID: 0
    uart_cli:~$ Parameters:
    uart_cli:~$ broadcast: 0 uart_cli:~$ read: 1 uart_cli:~$ write_wo_resp: 0 uart_cli:~$ write: 0 uart_cli:~$ notify: 0
    uart_cli:~$ indicate: 0 uart_cli:~$ auth_signed_wr: 0
    uart_cli:~$ Characteristic UUID: 0
    uart_cli:~$ Parameters:
    uart_cli:~$ broadcast: 0 uart_cli:~$ read: 1 uart_cli:~$ write_wo_resp: 0 uart_cli:~$ write: 0 uart_cli:~$ notify: 0
    uart_cli:~$ indicate: 0 uart_cli:~$ auth_signed_wr: 0
    uart_cli:~$ Characteristic UUID: 0
    uart_cli:~$ Parameters:
    uart_cli:~$ broadcast: 0 uart_cli:~$ read: 1 uart_cli:~$ write_wo_resp: 0 uart_cli:~$ write: 0 uart_cli:~$ notify: 0
    uart_cli:~$ indicate: 0 uart_cli:~$ auth_signed_wr: 0
    uart_cli:~$ Characteristic UUID: 0
    uart_cli:~$ Parameters:
    uart_cli:~$ broadcast: 0 uart_cli:~$ read: 1 uart_cli:~$ write_wo_resp: 0 uart_cli:~$ write: 0 uart_cli:~$ notify: 0
    uart_cli:~$ indicate: 0 uart_cli:~$ auth_signed_wr: 0
    uart_cli:~$ Characteristic UUID: 0
    uart_cli:~$ Parameters:
    uart_cli:~$ broadcast: 0 uart_cli:~$ read: 0 uart_cli:~$ write_wo_resp: 1 uart_cli:~$ write: 1 uart_cli:~$ notify: 0
    uart_cli:~$ indicate: 0 uart_cli:~$ auth_signed_wr: 0
    uart_cli:~$ Characteristic UUID: 0
    uart_cli:~$ Parameters:
    uart_cli:~$ broadcast: 0 uart_cli:~$ read: 1 uart_cli:~$ write_wo_resp: 0 uart_cli:~$ write: 0 uart_cli:~$ notify: 0
    uart_cli:~$ indicate: 0 uart_cli:~$ auth_signed_wr: 0
    uart_cli:~$ Characteristic UUID: 0
    uart_cli:~$ Parameters:
    uart_cli:~$ broadcast: 0 uart_cli:~$ read: 1 uart_cli:~$ write_wo_resp: 0 uart_cli:~$ write: 1 uart_cli:~$ notify: 1
    uart_cli:~$ indicate: 0 uart_cli:~$ auth_signed_wr: 0
    uart_cli:~$ Number of characteristics: 7
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Discovers Descriptors
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: err_code: 0
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Count in descriptor: 1
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Count in descriptor: 0
    uart_cli:~$ No descriptors for characteristic, notifications and indications not possible
    uart_cli:~$ gatt characteristics 7E:E7:30:C3:9F:96 2EAF    AE62uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Count: 4
    <info> app: m_srv_char.char_decl.handle: 93
    <info> app: m_srv_char.char_value_handle: 94
    <info> app: m_srv_char.char_data.uuid: 0
    <info> app: m_srv_char.char_decl.handle: 95
    <info> app: m_srv_char.char_value_handle: 96
    <info> app: m_srv_char.char_data.uuid: 0
    <info> app: m_srv_char.char_decl.handle: 98
    <info> app: m_srv_char.char_value_handle: 99
    <info> app: m_srv_char.char_data.uuid: 0
    <info> app: m_srv_char.char_decl.handle: 9B
    <info> app: m_srv_char.char_value_handle: 9C
    <info> app: m_srv_char.char_data.uuid: 0
    Characteristic UUID: 0
    broadcast: 0 read: 0 write_wo_resp: 1 write: 0 notify: 0
    indicate: 0 auth_signed_wr: 0
    Characteristic UUID: 0
    broadcast: 0 read: 0 write_wo_resp: 0 write: 0 notify: 1
    indicate: 0 auth_signed_wr: 0
    Characteristic UUID: 0
    broadcast: 0 read: 1 write_wo_resp: 1 write: 1 notify: 1
    indicate: 0 auth_signed_wr: 0
    Characteristic UUID: 0
    broadcast: 0 read: 0 write_wo_resp: 1 write: 1 notify: 0
    indicate: 0 auth_signed_wr: 0
    Number of characteristics: 4
    <info> app: Discovers Descriptors
    <info> app: err_code: 0
    <info> app: Discovers Descriptors
    <info> app: err_code: 11
    <error> app: Fatal error
    <warning> app: System reset
    uart_cli:~$ BLE app with command line interface example started.
    uart_cli:~$ Press Tab to view all available commands.
    uart_cli:~$ co  connect 0uart_cli:~$ uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Scanning
    uart_cli:~$ Connected to address: uart_cli:~$ 40 uart_cli:~$ 4F uart_cli:~$ 0C uart_cli:~$ 33 uart_cli:~$ 57 uart_cli:~$ 2E uart_cli:~$ 
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: CENTRAL: Connected, handle: 0.
    uart_cli:~$ <info> peer_manager_handler: Connection secured: role: Central, conn_handle: 0, procedure: Encryption
    uart_cli:~$ Current MTU: 158
    uart_cli:~$ MTU changed successfully
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Data length updated to 27 bytes.
    uart_cli:~$ gatt services 40:4F:0C:33:57:2E uart_cli:~$ <info> app: GATT Services
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Saving all Service DATA
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Saving all Service DATA
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Enters VS UUID Discovery
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Enters VS UUID Discovery
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Enters VS UUID Discovery
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Enters VS UUID Discovery
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Enters VS UUID Discovery
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Services count: 9
    uart_cli:~$ Found service UUIDs: 
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 1800 type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 1801 type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 180A type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 180F type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 0 type: 0x2
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 0 type: 0x3
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 0 type: 0x4
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 0 type: 0x5
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 0 type: 0x6
    uart_cli:~$ gatt services 40:4F:0C:33:57:2Euart_cli:~$ <info> app: GATT Services
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Saving all Service DATA
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Saving all Service DATA
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Services count: 9
    uart_cli:~$ Found service UUIDs: 
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 1800 type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 1801 type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 180A type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 180F type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: F4BD type: 0x2
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: F2B4 type: 0x3
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 3049 type: 0x4
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 2EAF type: 0x5
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: AE62 type: 0x6
    uart_cli:~$ gatt che aracteristics 40:4F:0C:33:57:2E 180Fuart_cli:~$ <info> app: Count: 1
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_decl.handle: 1C
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_value_handle: 1D
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_data.uuid: 2A19
    uart_cli:~$ Characteristic UUID: 2A19
    uart_cli:~$ Parameters:
    uart_cli:~$ broadcast: 0 uart_cli:~$ read: 1 uart_cli:~$ write_wo_resp: 0 uart_cli:~$ write: 0 uart_cli:~$ notify: 1
    uart_cli:~$ indicate: 0 uart_cli:~$ auth_signed_wr: 0
    uart_cli:~$ Number of characteristics: 1
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Discovers Descriptors
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: err_code: 0
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Count in descriptor: 0
    uart_cli:~$ No descriptors for characteristic, notifications and indications not possible

    I also did a test where I try to connect, to my phone, and setting up my GATT server on my phone with a custom service UUID, and custom characteristic UUID. And that worked perfectly:

    =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2018.11.20 11:21:45 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
    uart_cli:~$ scan onScan started
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Scanning
    uart_cli:~$ devicesDevice 70:21:3B:A6:4F:D4 32:c8:53:30:31:30
    Device 74:AB:5C:BE:02:E0 Galaxy S9
    Device 00:16:94:1E:2F:51 MB 660 MS
    uart_cli:~$ connect Galaxy S9uart_cli:~$  uart_cli:~$ connect Galaxy S9uart_cli:~$  uart_cli:~$ scan onScan started
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Scanning
    uart_cli:~$ deivcesdeivces: command not found
    uart_cli:~$ v devicesDevice 70:21:3B:A6:4F:D4 32:c8:53:30:31:30
    Device 74:AB:5C:BE:02:E0 Galaxy S9
    Device 00:16:94:1E:2F:51 MB 660 MS
    Device C8:0A:9C:09:3E:38 Tile
    Device 58:0E:A3:72:C2:D5 DUT-SLAVE
    Device 6A:99:24:40:D5:B1 DUT-SLAVE
    uart_cli:~$ connect Galaxy S9uart_cli:~$  uart_cli:~$ connect 74:AB:5C. :BE:02:E0uart_cli:~$ uart_cli:~$ <info> app: CENTRAL: Connecting...
    uart_cli:~$ Connected to address: uart_cli:~$ 74 uart_cli:~$ AB uart_cli:~$ 5C uart_cli:~$ BE uart_cli:~$ 02 uart_cli:~$ E0 uart_cli:~$ 
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: CENTRAL: Connected, handle: 1.
    uart_cli:~$ Current MTU: 247
    uart_cli:~$ MTU changed successfully
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Data length updated to 251 bytes.
    uart_cli:~$ <info> nrf_ble_lesc: Calling sd_ble_gap_lesc_dhkey_reply on conn_handle: 1
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: PERIPHERAL: BLE_GAP_EVT_PASSKEY_DISPLAY: passkey=402446 match_req=1
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Type /numeric accept/ to confirm, /numeric reject/ to reject
    uart_cli:~$ Connection parameters update success
    uart_cli:~$ gatt services 
    uart_cli:~$ gatt services 74:AB:5C:BE:02:E0 uart_cli:~$ <info> app: GATT Services
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Saving all Service DATA
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Saving all Service DATA
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Saving all Service DATA
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Enters VS UUID Discovery
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Services count: 5
    uart_cli:~$ Found service UUIDs: 
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 1801 type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 1800 type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 0 type: 0x7
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 181C type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 180F type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: PERIPHERAL: BLE_GAP_EVT_AUTH_STATUS: status=0x1 bond=0x0 lv4: 0
    uart_cli:~$ <info> peer_manager_handler: Connection security failed: role: Central, conn_handle: 0x1, procedure: Bonding, error: 1
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: CENTRAL: Disconnected, handle: 1, reason: 0x13
    uart_cli:~$ connect 1uart_cli:~$ uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Try again with correct peer ID.
    uart_cli:~$ bonded_devices Peers count: 1 
    ID: 0  address: 40:4F:0C:33:57:2E
    uart_cli:~$ connectr          devicesDevice 70:21:3B:A6:4F:D4 32:c8:53:30:31:30
    Device 74:AB:5C:BE:02:E0 Galaxy S9
    Device 00:16:94:1E:2F:51 MB 660 MS
    Device C8:0A:9C:09:3E:38 Tile
    Device 58:0E:A3:72:C2:D5 DUT-SLAVE
    Device 6A:99:24:40:D5:B1 DUT-SLAVE
    Device D1:43:9F:52:61:E0 tkr
    Device DB:AB:F6:1A:AE:D9 Tile
    Device 47:2E:8C:88:AC:44 [LG] webOS TV UJ630V
    Device 00:16:94:28:DB:DD MB 660 MS
    uart_cli:~$ s clear_devices uart_cli:~$ devicesuart_cli:~$ scan ion   onScan started
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Scanning
    uart_cli:~$ deivce    vicesDevice 47:2E:8C:88:AC:44 [LG] webOS TV UJ630V
    Device 63:E6:16:87:34:95 DUT-SLAVE
    uart_cli:~$ devicesDevice 47:2E:8C:88:AC:44 [LG] webOS TV UJ630V
    Device 63:E6:16:87:34:95 DUT-SLAVE
    Device 76:96:79:E1:F2:69 Galaxy S9
    Device DB:AB:F6:1A:AE:D9 Tile
    Device 5E:55:46:9F:0C:D3 32:c8:53:30:31:30
    uart_cli:~$ connect Galaxyuart_cli:~$ uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Device not found
    uart_cli:~$ connect Galaxy      76:96:79:E1:F2:69uart_cli:~$ uart_cli:~$ <info> app: CENTRAL: Connecting...
    uart_cli:~$ Connected to address: uart_cli:~$ 76 uart_cli:~$ 96 uart_cli:~$ 79 uart_cli:~$ E1 uart_cli:~$ F2 uart_cli:~$ 69 uart_cli:~$ 
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: CENTRAL: Connected, handle: 1.
    uart_cli:~$ Current MTU: 247
    uart_cli:~$ MTU changed successfully
    uart_cli:~$ pair LESC 
    uart_cli:~$ pair LESC <info> app: Data length updated to 251 bytes.
    uart_cli:~$ pair LESC 76:96:79:E1:F2:69 
    uart_cli:~$ pair LESC 76:96:79:E1:F2:69 Start pairing
    uart_cli:~$ <info> nrf_ble_lesc: Calling sd_ble_gap_lesc_dhkey_reply on conn_handle: 1
    uart_cli:~$ Connection parameters update success
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: PERIPHERAL: BLE_GAP_EVT_AUTH_STATUS: status=0x0 bond=0x1 lv4: 0
    uart_cli:~$ <info> peer_manager_handler: Connection secured: role: Central, conn_handle: 1, procedure: Bonding
    uart_cli:~$ Connection parameters update success
    uart_cli:~$ gatt e services 
    uart_cli:~$ gatt services 76:96:79:E1:F2:69 uart_cli:~$ <info> app: GATT Services
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Saving all Service DATA
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Saving all Service DATA
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Saving all Service DATA
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Services count: 5
    uart_cli:~$ Found service UUIDs: 
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 1801 type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 1800 type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: AAA0 type: 0x7
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 181C type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 180F type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ gatt characteristics 
    uart_cli:~$ gatt characteristics 76:96:79:E1:F2:69 AAA0uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Count: 2
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_decl.handle: 29
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_value_handle: 2A
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_data.uuid: AAA1
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_decl.handle: 2F
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_value_handle: 30
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: m_srv_char.char_data.uuid: AAA2
    uart_cli:~$ Characteristic UUID: AAA1
    uart_cli:~$ Parameters:
    uart_cli:~$ broadcast: 0 uart_cli:~$ read: 1 uart_cli:~$ write_wo_resp: 0 uart_cli:~$ write: 0 uart_cli:~$ notify: 1
    uart_cli:~$ indicate: 0 uart_cli:~$ auth_signed_wr: 0
    uart_cli:~$ Characteristic UUID: AAA2
    uart_cli:~$ Parameters:
    uart_cli:~$ broadcast: 0 uart_cli:~$ read: 0 uart_cli:~$ write_wo_resp: 1 uart_cli:~$ write: 1 uart_cli:~$ notify: 0
    uart_cli:~$ indicate: 1 uart_cli:~$ auth_signed_wr: 0
    uart_cli:~$ Number of characteristics: 2
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Discovers Descriptors
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: err_code: 0
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Count in descriptor: 1
    uart_cli:~$ gatt read 
    uart_cli:~$ gatt read 76:96:79:E1:F2:69 AAA1uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Enters VS UUID Discovery
    uart_cli:~$ Read data:
    uart_cli:~$ 0x1E uart_cli:~$ 0x0 uart_cli:~$ 

    I think it has to do with some settings in the config file or where ever. The hearing aid have 5 custom VS UUID services and quite a few VS UUID characteristics. I have already turned up NRF_SDH_BLE_VS_UUID_COUNT, but perhaps I have to turn another setting up?

  • Hi Dresse, 

    I think I know what that 19 bytes for. If you have a look here 

    It's the format of the 0x2803 attribute that you read at handle 62, it's the characteristic declaration, which include: characteristic properties (0x1A), characteristic value handle (0x003F) and the 128 bit UUID. 

    Base on this you can extract the 128 bit UUID and extract the properties, value handle. 

  • And now it works like a charm! Thanks Hung!


    =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2018.11.23 12:18:39 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
    uart_cli:~$ BLE app with command line interface example started.
    uart_cli:~$ Press Tab to view all available commands.
    uart_cli:~$ connect 0uart_cli:~$ uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Scanning
    uart_cli:~$ Connected to address: uart_cli:~$ 08 uart_cli:~$ AE uart_cli:~$ D6 uart_cli:~$ 81 uart_cli:~$ 3F uart_cli:~$ 26 uart_cli:~$ 
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: CENTRAL: Connected, handle: 0.
    uart_cli:~$ gatt services 08:AE:D6:81:3F:26 <info> peer_manager_handler: Connection secured: role: Central, conn_handle: 0, procedure: Encryption
    uart_cli:~$ gatt services 08:AE:D6:81:3F:26 Current MTU: 247
    uart_cli:~$ gatt services 08:AE:D6:81:3F:26 MTU changed successfully
    uart_cli:~$ gatt services 08:AE:D6:81:3F:26 <info> app: Data length updated to 251 bytes.
    uart_cli:~$ gatt services 08:AE:D6:81:3F:26 <info> peer_manager_handler: Connection secured: role: Central, conn_handle: 0, procedure: Encryption
    uart_cli:~$ gatt services 08:AE:D6:81:3F:26 Connection parameters update success
    uart_cli:~$ gatt services 08:AE:D6:81:3F:26 uart_cli:~$ <info> app: GATT Services
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Saving all Service DATA
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Saving all Service DATA
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Saving all Service DATA
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Saving all Service DATA
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Services count: 6
    uart_cli:~$ Found service UUIDs: 
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 1801 type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 1800 type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: AE62 type: 0x2
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 181C type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 180F type: 0x1
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: 2EAF type: 0x3
    uart_cli:~$ gatt characteristics 08:AE:D6:81:3F:26 AE62uart_cli:~$ <info> app: Number of characteristics: 2
    uart_cli:~$ Characteristics: 
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: B52E type: 0x4
    uart_cli:~$ With these parameters:
    uart_cli:~$ broadcast: 0 uart_cli:~$ read: 1 uart_cli:~$ write_wo_resp: 0 uart_cli:~$ write: 0 uart_cli:~$ notify: 1
    uart_cli:~$ indicate: 0 uart_cli:~$ auth_signed_wr: 0
    uart_cli:~$ UUID: AAA2 type: 0x5
    uart_cli:~$ With these parameters:
    uart_cli:~$ broadcast: 0 uart_cli:~$ read: 0 uart_cli:~$ write_wo_resp: 1 uart_cli:~$ write: 1 uart_cli:~$ notify: 0
    uart_cli:~$ indicate: 1 uart_cli:~$ auth_signed_wr: 0
    uart_cli:~$ <info> app: CENTRAL: Disconnected, handle: 0, reason: 0x13

    Just a recap for anyone else stumbling upon this problem:
    If a custom characteristic, inside a custom service, has a different base UUID, then it needs to be read specifically with sd_ble_gattc_read, this is done as described in the posts above. Since you read on a characteristic declaration it has more than 16 bytes, as Hung described. That just needs to be decoded correctly and you are good to go!

  • Hey Hung,

    If I have some objections/corrections for the example project ble_app_interactive, how should I let you guys know? After working with it for a while, I have stumbled upon somethings, which I believe are errors in the code.

  • Hello Dresse and Hung,

    I'm fighting also with same kind of issue. Is this possible to somehow get this correction, so that I don't need to do same things again which has already done (by Dresse). 


  • Hi Hannu. My complete solution contains all different kinds of modifications, and some classified information, but I have described above, what is needed. If you read all the replies in this post, you should know what to do. 

Reply Children
  • Hello,

    So I have to first study how this example project should work or works. Then have to come back and try to do same modifications that you have already done. It would be nice if somebody commits these changes to Nordics official example path and then deliver changes in next release version. Otherwise many of us waste time for investigating already solved problem.

  • These projects are just example projects, and therefore you should study how these projects work even before going to these forums. Many of these problem are specific to the devices used in that project.

    If you were to read the responses to this post, I even uploaded the specific code which solves this problem for my code.

    Also if you want more specific answers, you need to write a lot more information about your problem. I suggest you create a new post with the specific problem you have encountered.

  • Hello,

    I understood so, that you found some mistakes from example project at general and solved it. I followed instructions and played little bit scanning, advertising and so on and after a while scanning didn't work at all. So if example projects doesn't work smoothly then (my opinion) these have to correct. I have seen earlier that when scanning, connecting etc. and try to scan again it doesn't work as expected and I have lost lot of time for investigating how to correct it.
