I am running SDK15, and using the example ble_app_interactive in ble_central and peripheral. I am trying to discover services and characteristic from a peripheral device, using NRF52 DK as a central device. There is a lot of services and VS services and characteristic in the peripheral. I can discover the services, and see the VS UUID services. As seen on picture:
But when i try to discover the characteristics in the VS services, it writes out the UUID as 0. I have also made it print out it handles and it does have it's handles Both things is shown in pictures below.
The UUID is 0. This is by using gatt characteristics <address> 2EAF.
If i then try to write gatt characteristics <address> AE62. I still don't get UUID, but my progam also crashes and gives me error code 11, but this is in the CCCD descriptor, as seen on picture:
I have made extra logging. I have also increased NRF_SDH_BLE_VS_UUID_COUNT in sdk_config. I have also increased my maximum characterstics and services. Hope you can help.
Regards Andreas