I develop an Android app which connects to a Nordic chip, and I cannot get the Android app to stop advertising once it connects to the central from the SDK multi link project.
I was curious if any one from Nordic might be able to have some insight into why the Android phone cannot be prevented from advertising once it's connected to a central.
I know that Nordic chips stop advertising once they connect, and in fact I thought this behavior was a specification in the BLE protocol.
I would like to be able to format my code code with the old mark up language this web site used to sue like Stack Overflow does, and I have no idea why I can long use the old way for formalizing questions. Any explanation?
Here my BluetoothGattServerCallback where I handle two events `STATE_CONNECTED` and `STATE_DISCONNECTED`
private static class CallBack extends BluetoothGattServerCallback {
private Set<BluetoothDevice> mRegisteredDevices = new HashSet<>();
private MainActivity mMainActivity;
public CallBack(Set<BluetoothDevice> registeredDevices, MainActivity mainActivity){
mRegisteredDevices = registeredDevices;
mMainActivity = mainActivity;
public void onConnectionStateChange(BluetoothDevice device, int status, int newState) {
switch (newState)
handleStateConnected( device, status, newState);
handleStateDisconnected( device, status, newState);
Here is handler `STATE_CONNECTED`
private void handleStateConnected(BluetoothDevice device, int status, int newState)
Log.i(TAG, "BluetoothDevice CONNECTED: " + device);
Here is handler `STATE_DISCONNECTED`
private void handleStateDisconnected(BluetoothDevice device, int status, int newState)
Log.i(TAG, "BluetoothDevice DISCONNECTED: " + device);
On `STATE_CONNECTED` I would like my phone to stop advertising, and on `STATE_DISCONNECTED` I would like the phone to resume advertising; the default behaviour appears to be that the device will continue advertising after it's connected, so I added `stopAdvertising()` and `startAdvertising()` in the event handlers `handleStateConnected()` and `handleStateDisconnected()` respectively.
The phone now goes into an infinite loop of connecting and reconnecting, the reason being that after calling `stopAdvertising()` the phone will disconnect, causing it to begin advertising again, after which it will connect.
The control flow of my app is to begin advertising, then set up GATT server:
private void initServer(){
mBluetoothManager = (BluetoothManager) getSystemService(BLUETOOTH_SERVICE);
BluetoothAdapter bluetoothAdapter = mBluetoothManager.getAdapter();
// We can't continue without proper Bluetooth support
if (!checkBluetoothSupport(bluetoothAdapter)) {
// Register for system Bluetooth events (GATT server started in receiver)
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_STATE_CHANGED);
registerReceiver(mBluetoothReceiver, filter);
if (!bluetoothAdapter.isEnabled()) {
Log.d(TAG, "Bluetooth is currently disabled...enabling");
} else {
Here is `startAdvertising()`
public static void startAdvertising() {
BluetoothAdapter bluetoothAdapter = mBluetoothManager.getAdapter();
mBluetoothLeAdvertiser = bluetoothAdapter.getBluetoothLeAdvertiser();
if (mBluetoothLeAdvertiser == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "Failed to create mBleAdvertiser");
Log.v(TAG,"created advertizer");
AdvertiseSettings settings = new AdvertiseSettings.Builder()
.setTimeout(0) // Limit advertising to a given amount of time A value of 0 will disable the time limit
boolean isNameChanged = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter().setName(DEVICE_NAME);
if(isNameChanged) Log.d(TAG,"Device name changed successfully.");
AdvertiseData data = new AdvertiseData.Builder()
.startAdvertising(settings, data, mAdvertiseCallback);
Here is `startServer()`
private void startServer() {
mBluetoothGattServer =
MyProfile.getOpenServer(this, mBluetoothManager,mRegisteredDevices,this);
if (mBluetoothGattServer == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "Unable to create GATT server");
And here is `MyProfile.getOpenServer` which returns the server object initialized with the call back declared at the top of the post.
public static BluetoothGattServer getOpenServer(Context ctx,
BluetoothManager bluManager,
Set<BluetoothDevice> registeredDevices,
MainActivity mainActivity){
mBluetoothManager = bluManager;
CallBack callBack = new CallBack(registeredDevices, mainActivity);
BluetoothGattServer server = bluManager.openGattServer(ctx, callBack);
BluetoothGattService myService = getMyService();
return server;