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nRF52840 output the 32.768kHz clock on any GPIO in SPI Communication.

Dear Nordic Developer Zone,

I am working on MAX30003 ECG (  with Nrf52840-DK. My sensor is work on the 32.768kHz external clock. 

but in Nrf I don't know which GPIO_PIN is assigned for that.

I visited below link but I unable to find solutions:

I am referring (SDK15.2 -PCA10056-spi code)

I have some questions about that:

1) Can I do the merging of timer and gpiote example code into SPI?

2) please give me detail about how to generate 32.768kHz clock ?

I have stuck  on below issue,


Rohit Patil

Parents Reply Children
  • Defalt value is 0x00. The prod specs register descriptions like the LFCLKSRC describes the reset value of each register if applicable. 

    Without writing to the LFCLKSRC you will use the internal 32.768kHz RCOSC, the external clock inputs are disconnected (high impedance). 

    When using an external crystal the voltage of the crystals drive signals are too low to control a digital circuit, the clock signal is therefore amplified by the internal LF Clock peripheral and fed back into the crystal in order to achieve resonance at a higher voltage level. The time it takes to achieve a stable clock signal of high enough voltage is what accounts for the start-up time of a crystal oscillator clock source. 

    You can however use an external clock signal that already has the required voltage level, but then you must bypass the internal amplifier. 
