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View FreeRTOS Task Stack Usage with Segger OZONE not working

SDK 15.2

Segger Embedded Studio Release 4.12 with DEBUG on

Segger Ozone V2.60k

FreeRTOS 10 from SDK (same issue with FreeRTOS 10.1.0 source files and original ported nrf52 files from SDK 15.2)

I have setup the Segger Ozone Debugger to show the Window for Task information. All tasks of my application are listed.

But the "Stack Info (Free /Size) " is showing totaly wrong values.

How to setup this tool chain to get valid stack info?

  • I tried to enable it in my .jdebug file and see nothing in my tasks window in ozone. 

    Any step i am missing to see what you are seeing?  Whic example are you trying this out with? I suggest to try the freertos example without the softdevice dependency (that is from examples\peripheral). Since including softdevice will make freertos kernel another application.

  • The task window shows task information only at program break!

    I have open the "peripheral/blinky_freertos with seger ide, compiled the DEBUG target, selected "Debug with Ozone", saved the .jdebug, added the line " Project.SetOSPlugin("FreeRTOSPlugin"); // load RTOS awareness plugin " as last line in the OnProjectLoad function, saved the file and finally reopend the Ozone project.

    IN the "console" of Ozone the following messages are now present:

    File path resolved: "FreeRTOSPlugin.dll" was found at "D:/Programme/SEGGER/Ozone V2.60k/Plugins/OS/FreeRTOSPlugin.dll"

    RTOS awareness plugin loaded: D:/Programme/SEGGER/Ozone V2.60k/Plugins/OS/FreeRTOSPlugin.dll

    After programming, starting and pausing the application, the "Tasks" view is filled as show in the screen shot:

    The LED task was created with a stack size of 60+200, reported is a free size of 924 and Size as N/A

  • The task window shows task information only at program break!

    I have open the "peripheral/blinky_freertos with seger ide, compiled the DEBUG target, selected "Debug with Ozone", saved the .jdebug, added the line " Project.SetOSPlugin("FreeRTOSPlugin"); // load RTOS awareness plugin " as last line in the OnProjectLoad function, saved the file and finally reopend the Ozone project.

    IN the "console" of Ozone the following messages are now present:

    File path resolved: "FreeRTOSPlugin.dll" was found at "D:/Programme/SEGGER/Ozone V2.60k/Plugins/OS/FreeRTOSPlugin.dll"

    RTOS awareness plugin loaded: D:/Programme/SEGGER/Ozone V2.60k/Plugins/OS/FreeRTOSPlugin.dll

    After programming, starting and pausing the application, the "Tasks" view is filled as show in the screen shot:

    The LED task was created with a stack size of 60+200, reported is a free size of 924 and Size as N/A
