I am trying to test the Amazon FreeRTOS BLE demo (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/freertos/latest/userguide/getting_started_nordic.html).
I followed the instructions and I am able to build and upload firmware to nrf52, but then nothing happens. I get no output on the terminal and also no broadcast signal.
If I GO debugger I see Unknown function at 0x00000978. Attached the screenshot from segger.
1. What does unknown function mean? I read on the forums for similar that it might be related to flash_placement.xml. Any suggestions on how to fix that?
2. Did anyone successfully tested the amazon BLE demo example for Nordic?
I use:
Segger on Mac
sdk: https://github.com/aws/amazon-freertos/tree/feature/ble-beta (example: amazon-freertos/demos/nordic/nrf52840-dk/ses)
NRF52 DK PCA10056