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ble_nus service UART on PCA20006 Beacon with s110 SD

I compiled a new HEX for the pca20006 Beacon based on the ble_app_uart project for the pca10001 (remapped the LEDs and buttons), but when I load the beacon using OTA DFU, it will not advertise. It will only very faintly flicker the red LED about 2-3 times per second. What could it be doing?

I want my beacon app to merely Tx a fixed string whenever it Rx a certain sting over the BLE UART, but right now it is just trying to init the service and start advertising to no avail...

Eventually I want the beacon (or perhaps a custom made nRF51822 board about the same size) to perform some GPIO and SPI interconnect to another small custom board, then receive and transmit to the pca10001 attached to a PC visible to an off-the-shelf windows app as a generic COM port...

I am kind of stuck right now, any suggestions?

  • Regarding the advertisements, can you see the advertising from the beacon board? If you check with master control panel on Android or Master control panel in windows, do you see the actual advertisements or does it stop after a few seconds?

    If the advertising stops after a few seconds there must be a reason for why. I would recommend you to use a sniffer to see if it stops and when it stops. You must make sure if it stop after the same amount of time every time or if it's random how long it actually advertise.

    If you are going to do development like this, I would recommend you to go for the nRF51822 EK instead. You can debug your code directly and get a better indication from that on what's wrong with your code. If not, you could get a programmer for the beacon board and program/debug the nRF51822 on that directly.

  • Regarding the advertisements, can you see the advertising from the beacon board? If you check with master control panel on Android or Master control panel in windows, do you see the actual advertisements or does it stop after a few seconds?

    If the advertising stops after a few seconds there must be a reason for why. I would recommend you to use a sniffer to see if it stops and when it stops. You must make sure if it stop after the same amount of time every time or if it's random how long it actually advertise.

    If you are going to do development like this, I would recommend you to go for the nRF51822 EK instead. You can debug your code directly and get a better indication from that on what's wrong with your code. If not, you could get a programmer for the beacon board and program/debug the nRF51822 on that directly.

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