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nRF mesh

hi..... i am using nRF52832 and segger latest version 3.1 mesh  sdk

i am trying to send the message from client to server side using light switch example , I have made some changes in light switch client example ,i have changed the boolen(APP_STATE_ON ,OFF) to character and then  flashed , scanned , provisioned successfully but how to check my messages have transmitted  or not ?

where can i see ? can we able to print the received messages in server side . here is my code ,where i have assign a character and sent to server side

client side 

static void button_event_handler(uint32_t button_number)
    __LOG(LOG_SRC_APP, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Button %u pressed\n", button_number);

    uint32_t status = NRF_SUCCESS;
    generic_onoff_set_params_t set_params;
    model_transition_t transition_params;
    static uint8_t tid = 0;

    /* Button 1: On, Button 2: Off, Client[0]
     * Button 2: On, Button 3: Off, Client[1]
 char arr[5] = "code";
 char ara[5] = "set";
        case 0:
        case 2:
            set_params.on_off = arr;

        case 1:
        case 3:
            set_params.on_off = Ara;

debug terminal(client side )

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