Currently, I am using NRF52832 and nRF5_SDK_15.2.0. Also, I am using FreeRTOS.
I disabled softdevice by calling nrf_sdh_disable_request() before goes to sleep mode.
I like to enable softdevice after wake up from sleep mode.
I tried to configure softdevice again refer to ble_app_gzll example.
But, Because of FreeRTOS is used, there is issue on timer related code in ble_conn_params_init().
My problem is All RTCs are already occupied( RTC0-> softdevcie, RTC1-> FreeRTOS, RTC2-> time tracking).
I can't replace timer for app_timer from FreeRTOS timer to RTC.
I have no idea how to handle that situation.
Do you have any example for this? or Could you help me out to resolve this situation?
Thanks in advance.
Chongchun Moon