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Can't flash nRF52840 dongle with nRF Connect Programmer

Dear Nordic Team,

I can not flash my nRF52840 USB dongle with the nRF Connect Programmer application.

The window looks like this:

Erase / Read / Write functions on the right are greyed out.

As you can see the hex file contains a software which begins at 0x00026000 HEX 
Is it a problem? Suggested begin value is 0x00001000

How can I change the begin value?

I am trying to flash my USB dongle with nRF Connect programmer because SEGGER Embedded Studio neither worked for me.
I received an error message like:

1. I select Build & Run
2. I receive this message:

3. When I select YES ( or NO ):

So... How can I flash my USB dongle?

Thank you very much!


Parents Reply
  • sonus89 said:
    Does it already contain a softdevice? ( MBR, Bootloader...etc. is the softdevice? )

     I believe the dongle comes pre-shipped with the MBR & bootloader. The MBR is never updated & it's main purpose is to facilitate safe bootloader updates. Not sure it comes shipped with anything else. The softdevice is our version of the Bluetooth stack & is separate from both the MBR & the bootloader.

    sonus89 said:
    If not: The only way to flash my dongle without a special hardware ( J-Link ) is with nrfutil or can I also use nRF Connect application for this purpose?

    I would highly recommend flashing examples with the nRF Connect for Desktop Programmer application.

    sonus89 said:
     I am able to compile source code for the dongle with armgcc and SEGGER emStudio but the upload is extremely difficult. The dongle programming tutorial is also obsolete ( none of the URLs work in it )

     The dongle programming tutorial might have some links that are not working, but it is still very useful. If you are using an example that requires the softdevice, remember to drag & drop the softdevice in addition to the application when programming via the Programmer app.

  • Unfortunately the dongle programming tutorial does not contain any information about
    1. where to find the softdevice hex
    2. what is the softdevice ID of the nRF52840 dongle

    I looked up the NRFSDK but no file or folder is named SoftDevice. :-(

    The dongle programming tutorial however says:

    "For BLE examples the SoftDevice and MBR is already present, so the only thing you need to do is to update the Preprocessor Definitions"

    I can't use SEGGER Embedded Studio because I can simply not get a license and they don't answer my e-mail thus I use armgcc instead which examples already have preprocessor definitions in the makefiles.

    There is a folder called hex here:
    ... \NRFSDK\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_blinky\hex\
    That folder contains HEX files. Are these the "SoftDevice" files ?


  • I forgot to mention one question:
    The dongle programming tutorial says that the compiled
    HEX files FLASH_START parameter should be 0x1000

    How can I set this parameter if I use ARMGCC instead of SEGGER emStudio?


  • 1. where to find the softdevice hex
    2. what is the softdevice ID of the nRF52840 dongle

    Neither of these is specific to the Dongle - they relate to the SoftDevice itself, irrespective of what board is used.

    The SoftDevice hex files are under components\softdevice in the SDK folder tree

    I can't use SEGGER Embedded Studio because I can simply not get a license

    You don't actually need one - just click 'Continue' on the licence nag screen and it will all work!

    You know that you are entitled to a licence, so there's no problem there - it's just Segger's administrative ineptitude!

    There is a folder called hex here:
    ... \NRFSDK\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_blinky\hex\
    That folder contains HEX files. Are these the "SoftDevice" files ?

    No - they are the pre-built hex files just for the project.

  • Thanks very much! Now I can compile and upload all my project using ARMGCC + nRF Connect.
    The issue with SEGGER emStudio is that I simply don't have a DEBUG section ( no Linker options! ) in the emStudio. 

    My Project options look like this:

    There is only 'Code' section. I thought this is because of the license. Maybe I'm wrong.

    Thanks anyways! 
    You answer was super useful!! I think the softdevice location should be part of the Dongle Programming Tutorial to help others as well!


  • That's weird. I have opened the ble_app_blinky for pca10059 (the 52840 dongle) (path: nRF5_SDK_15.3.0_59ac345\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_blinky\pca10059\s140\ses) & I receive a code & a debug section:

    I am using v4.12 of SES. It should also appear in newer versions of SES AFAIK. Beware that the dongle does not have an unboard debugger, as it does not have the Segger J-Link chip like the DKs have. If you want to debug, you'll need to do this via a JLINK.
