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DFU trigger - reinstall the out of the box demo on the PCA10059


I have accidential removed the DFU bootloader on my PCA10059 dongel..... is there an image that I can write to the dongle to get it back into its out of the box condition (with a woorking DFU trigger)?   Note, I have a JTAG programmer that I can connect to P1 on the underside of the dongle to upload any require programming opperations.



Parents Reply
  • Hi Simon

    I have installed the latest version of JLink and that seemed to get rid of the connection error when using nRFConnect.

    It will however not let me program the part.... it just sit there trying to discover the connected device (all of the buttons on the right hand side are not enabled - highlighted):

    If I try the command line tool it gives me less errors, but it still will not program the part:

    Best regards


  • Hi Simon,

    I have now powered the dongle from an external source (cutting SB2 and soldering SB1). NrfConnect seems a little happier now, but it still will not read or write the decive correctly....comes back with 'Error when getting info: ErrorCode: CouldNotCallFunction (0x9) Lowelevel error: JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR (fffff9a)

    If I try to use the command line tool it says that an invalid argument has been used:
