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DFU trigger - reinstall the out of the box demo on the PCA10059


I have accidential removed the DFU bootloader on my PCA10059 dongel..... is there an image that I can write to the dongle to get it back into its out of the box condition (with a woorking DFU trigger)?   Note, I have a JTAG programmer that I can connect to P1 on the underside of the dongle to upload any require programming opperations.



Parents Reply
  • Hi Simon,

    I have now powered the dongle from an external source (cutting SB2 and soldering SB1). NrfConnect seems a little happier now, but it still will not read or write the decive correctly....comes back with 'Error when getting info: ErrorCode: CouldNotCallFunction (0x9) Lowelevel error: JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR (fffff9a)

    If I try to use the command line tool it says that an invalid argument has been used:

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