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Testing on Modules of Alert Notification Application and Immediate Alert Client Application

Hi Sir/Madam,

I tried testing Alert Application notification by performing mentioned testing steps but after i reach 4th step i.e Bond to the device from nRF Connect (the device is advertising as 'Nordic_Alert_Notif'). To bond, click the settings button for the server in nRF Connect, select "Security parameters", check "Perform Bonding", and click "Apply". Then connect to the device. Observe that the BSP_INDICATE_CONNECTED state is indicated.

Problems noticed:

1)Unable to find device advertising as 'Nordic_Alert_Notif' 

2)Unable to observe  BSP_INDICATE_CONNECTED state is indicated.


I also tried testing  Immediate Alert Client Application and followed mentioned steps but coudn't find <InstallFolder>\examples\ble_peripheral\experimental\ble_app_ias_c folder. Load the file findMeMasterServer.ncs. but it is found to be in nRF5_SDK_15.3.0_59ac345\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_ias_c tried loading findMeMasterServer.ncs from this folder.

and then tried to connect to the device named nRF Connect but when i press button 1 and observe change in value is not noticed as mentioned.

Thank You.

Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    Thank you for the information.I tried configuring server manually in nRFConnect(mobile) ,and then advertise.It is displaying the  error message "advertising is already started" but am unable to find advertising device when i tried scanning in nRFConnect(desktop).Unable to figure out whats going wrong,please let me know what is  the right procedure if we are using 1 DK and 1 mobile.

    As mentioned in steps while testing do we need to add  AlertNotifServer.ncs in nRFConnect(desktop) too?

    Thank You.

  • Hi.

    I have been on holiday.

    Could you please describe a bit more in details how you set up the server on the mobile phone?

    Best regards,


  • Hi,

    Thank you so much for your previous suggestion and yes i am able to test Alert Notification Service example by configuring server details onto nRFConnect (mobile).

    But through Alert Notification Service I was expecting to get notification as push notification that gets displayed on mobile whenever certain event/any value set on to any peripheral's Register in nrf52832 over BLE,but here in alert notification service example during testing I observed that whatever the input we are giving through nrf52832 or nRFConnect(mobile) is getting displayed on UART and change of values taking place during button press are updated onto server details mentioned on nRFConnect(mobile). I coudn't observe any other functionality.

    Let me know if there is any possibility to implement getting notification as related push notification onto nRFConnect(mobile) using Alert Notification Service . If not,please help me in letting know what could be the right way to approach for my expected functionality. 

    Thank you.

  • Hi.

    I'm not quite sure what you're trying to achieve here to be honest. The point of the Alert Notification Service is to transmit alerts/notifications, and the example writes to the terminal. From my understanding it looks like you want to see alerts or notifications in nRF Connect, but this example is a client, so it is from the phone (which are running nRF connect in your case) you have to transmit alerts/notifications.

    An area of use for this example could for example be a smart watch showing who's calling.

    Best regards,


  • Hi,

    yes I got clear understanding now on what purpose this example can be applied.Thank you for explanation and as you said this example can be used on applications like smart watch,here smart watch acts as client and mobile acts as server.Alert Notification Service Client example is applicable for programming Client(smart watch) whose intention is to recieve alerts.

    If I want to implement in such a way that where applicaton part is to act as server which sends notifications to mobile.To make it more clear assume any device like smartwatch having some sensor within it has to send notification to mobile on particular changes on sensor values.In this case device should act as server and mobile should act as client.I hope I made you clear of what I want to achieve.To attain my purpose suggest me how implementation can be done?

    Thank you.
