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reading signal strength in firmware nrf91


I am trying to read signal strength inside my code. At the moment I know I can do this with AT commands:

+CESQ: 99,99,255,255,255,46

RSRP = -140 + 46 = -94 dBm signal strength

And I also saw there is something implemented in the asset tracker application. My question is: Is there a function to read such parameter or how to do it if there is no such thing?

Thank you.


Parents Reply
  • Hi, 

    I am trying to do this, but there is no result:

    void get_signal_strength(void){
            const char signal_strength_command[] = "AT+CESQ";
            char cmd_rcv_buf[50];
            enum at_cmd_state *err;
            at_cmd_write(signal_strength_command, cmd_rcv_buf, strlen(cmd_rcv_buf), err);
            printk("state: %d   ", err);
            printk("answ: %s \n", cmd_rcv_buf);

    Of course, I am connected to the NB-IoT network before calling this function. 
    Serial output is:
    state: 0   answ:  

    Do you know what might be the problem?

    Best regards,
