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Error using nRF Master Control Panel - Error (0x8)

Hello, I'm using the nRF6310 board and tried the HID Keyboard Application (S110, ble_app_hids_keyboard) example.

The nRF51 SDK version is 6.1. I use IAR for ARM 7.1.

I downloaded the example code and tried to connect the board with the Master Control Panel app. I use LG Nexus 5 D821.

While connecting, a error message had appeared.

nRF Master Control Panel, 2015-01-07

 Nordic_Keyboard (F3:7C:22:93:EA:42)

 V 13:22:19.023 Connecting to F3:7C:22:93:EA:42...
 D 13:22:19.033 gatt = device.connectGatt(autoConnect = true)
 D 13:22:19.564 [Callback] Connection state changed with status: 0 and new state: 2 (CONNECTED)
 D 13:22:19.580 [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED
 I 13:22:19.666 Connected to F3:7C:22:93:EA:42
 V 13:22:20.303 Discovering Services...
 D 13:22:20.316 gatt.discoverServices()
 D 13:22:21.870 [Callback] Services discovered with status: 0
 I 13:22:21.897 Services Discovered
 V 13:22:21.949 Generic Access (0x1800)

 - Device Name [R W] (0x2A00)
 - Appearance [R] (0x2A01)
 - Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters [R] (0x2A04)

 Generic Attribute (0x1801)
 Device Information (0x180A)
 - Manufacturer Name String [R] (0x2A29)
 - PnP ID [R] (0x2A50)

 Battery Service (0x180F)
 - Battery Level [N R] (0x2A19)
    Client Characteristic Configuration (0x2902)

 Human Interface Device (0x1812)
 - Protocol Mode [R WNR] (0x2A4E)
 - Report [N R W] (0x2A4D)
    Client Characteristic Configuration (0x2902)
    Report Reference (0x2908)
 - Report [R W WNR] (0x2A4D)
    Report Reference (0x2908)
 - Report Map [R] (0x2A4B)
 - Boot Keyboard Input Report [N R] (0x2A22)
    Client Characteristic Configuration (0x2902)
 - Boot Keyboard Output Report [R W WNR] (0x2A32)
 - HID Information [R] (0x2A4A)
 - HID Control Point [WNR] (0x2A4C)

 D 13:23:28.517 [Callback] Connection state changed with status: 8 and new state: 0 (DISCONNECTED)
 D 13:23:28.545 [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED
 E 13:23:28.571 Error (0x8): GATT INSUF AUTHORIZATION
 D 13:23:28.595 gatt.refresh()

After refreshing, it does not try to connect.

I did not change the example code. Why do I recieve the error?

E 13:23:28.571 Error (0x8): GATT INSUF AUTHORIZATION

Thank you for helping me!


hid main.txt

    1. I tried the NUS example (Softdevice S110 7.1 + SDK 7.2). This worked well with my custom board. I checked with the master control app (Android devices) and nRF UART app (iOS devices). This worked perfectly. A weird result, however, was that when I used the NUS example, the iOS devices cannot detect the board without using the nRF UART app, whereas Android devices detected the board at the settings menu regardless using the master control app.



    1. Is it normal that the NUS examples could not be detected by iOS devices (at settings -> bluetooth) ?

    2. Did your volume control code worked well? Can you try different connection parameters following the link?

    3. The NUS worked well with my custom board but the HID did not. Most of the time, using custom boards could be the biggest reason of malfunctioning but since the NUS worked, what could be the problem?

    Regards, Mango922

    1. I tried the NUS example (Softdevice S110 7.1 + SDK 7.2). This worked well with my custom board. I checked with the master control app (Android devices) and nRF UART app (iOS devices). This worked perfectly. A weird result, however, was that when I used the NUS example, the iOS devices cannot detect the board without using the nRF UART app, whereas Android devices detected the board at the settings menu regardless using the master control app.



    1. Is it normal that the NUS examples could not be detected by iOS devices (at settings -> bluetooth) ?

    2. Did your volume control code worked well? Can you try different connection parameters following the link?

    3. The NUS worked well with my custom board but the HID did not. Most of the time, using custom boards could be the biggest reason of malfunctioning but since the NUS worked, what could be the problem?

    Regards, Mango922

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