Thank you for answer.
Found a place to return 5. Within the ble_nus.c file.
This is the statement in the ble_nus_data_send () function.
err_code = blcm_link_ctx_get (p_nus-> p_link_ctx_storage, conn_handle, (void *) & p_client);
See the screenshot below.
Thank you
Yes. It is the reason I explained in the previous answer. You are not sending a valid connection handle into ble_nusdata_send(). Look at the multiperipheral example how it should be done.
Thank you. Where can I get a multiperipheral example?
Edvin said:SDK\examples\ble_peripheral\experimental\ble_app_multiperipheral.
HI Cjb21,
Please tell me which example do you use from my github.
and then how to reproduce sequence .