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[nRF52840 + zigbee] About install codes


I will add feature "installation codes".

I guess that security API do work.

At coordinator side, zb_secur_ic_add, zb_set_installcode_policy functions 

At end device side, zb_secur_ic_set and zb_set_installcode_policy functions


1. My understanding is correct ?

2. At zigbee router, how can activate installation codes ? 

(Router shall call zb_secur_ic_add or not ?)

3. zb_secur_ic_add and zb_secur_ic_set function save installation infromation into flash ??

4. Where can i find examples using security features?


  • Hi.

    You can take a look at how installation codes are used in the CLI, you can find the code in the SDK under components\zigbee\cli\zigbee_cli_cmd_bdb.c.

    /** @brief Set install code on the device, add information about the install code
     *  on the trust center, set the trust center install code policy.
     * @code
     * bdb ic add <h:install code> <h:eui64>
     * bdb ic set <h:install code>
     * bdb ic policy <enable|disable>
     * @endcode
     * @pre Setting and defining policy only before @ref start "bdb start".
     * Adding only after @ref start "bdb start".
     * <tt>bdb ic set</tt> must only be used on a joining device.
     * <tt>bdb ic add</tt> must only be used on a coordinator.
     * <tt>bdb ic policy</tt> must only be used on a coordinator.
     * Provide the install code as an ASCII-encoded hex including CRC16.
     * For production devices, an install code must be installed by the production
     * configuration present in flash.
     * Example:
     * @code
     * > bdb ic add 83FED3407A939723A5C639B26916D505C3B5 0B010E2F79E9DBFA
     * Done
     * @endcode
    static void cmd_zb_install_code(nrf_cli_t const * p_cli, size_t argc, char **argv)
        const char *   p_err_msg = NULL;
        zb_ieee_addr_t addr;
        zb_uint8_t     ic[ZB_CCM_KEY_SIZE + 2]; // +2 for CRC16
        if (nrf_cli_help_requested(p_cli) || (argc == 1))
            print_usage(p_cli, argv[0],
                        "ic - set or add install code. Enable IC policy.\r\n"
                        "ic set <h:install code> - set the ic code to <install_code>\r\n"
                        "ic add <h:install code> <h:eui64> - add ic for device with given eui43\r\n"
                        "ic policy - set Trust Center install code policy");
        if ((argc == 2) && (strcmp(argv[0], "set") == 0))
            if (!parse_hex_str(argv[1], ic, 2*sizeof(ic), false))
                p_err_msg = "Failed to parse IC";
                goto exit;
            if (zb_secur_ic_set(ic) != RET_OK)
                p_err_msg = "Failed to set IC";
                goto exit;
        else if ((argc == 3) && (strcmp(argv[0], "add") == 0))
            if (!parse_hex_str(argv[1], ic, 2*sizeof(ic), false))
                p_err_msg = "Failed to parse IC";
                goto exit;
            if (!parse_long_address(argv[2], addr))
                p_err_msg = "Failed to parse eui64";
                goto exit;
            if (zb_secur_ic_add(addr, ic) != RET_OK)
                p_err_msg = "Failed to add IC";
                goto exit;
        else if ((argc == 2) && (strcmp(argv[0], "policy") == 0))
            if (strcmp(argv[1], "enable") == 0)
            else if (strcmp(argv[1], "disable") == 0)
                p_err_msg = "Syntax error";
                goto exit;
            p_err_msg ="Syntax error";
        if (p_err_msg)
            print_error(p_cli, p_err_msg);
            print_done(p_cli, ZB_FALSE);

    You have to run zb_secur_ic_set at the client side (the side without TC) and you have to run zb_secur_ic_add at the ZC (the side with TC).

    Best regards,


  • Thanks for reply.

    I have  more questionㄴ.

    1. At ZR(router) side, what to do for security ?

    2. using 

    "zb_secur_ic_set" and


    Information is saved in flash ? or volatile ?

    Best reguards.

  • Hi.


    The router is a joining device before it becomes a router, so you should use zb_secur_ic_set.


    The information is stored in NVRAM.

    Best regards,


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