Hi I am using the nRF51 DK and I successfully ran the ble_app_template program from examples\ble_peripheral in SDK v10. Using the nRF connect app I am able to do both read and write values.
I want to try creating other services and setting different values for characteristics in the ble_app_template program. For example I want to change the value from '[0] Unknown' to 'Hello' for the Appearance (0x2A01) characteristic. But I cannot find where the default BLE services, characteristics, attributes are initialized and defined in the ble_app_template program. I am using Keil 5 and I tried searching the ble_advdata.c, ble_advertising.c, ble_srv_common.c files, etc from nRF_BLE folder. None of the files I searched had code that mention the Generic Access Service (0x1800) or Generic Attribute (0x1801) services.
Where should I look to find the code that initializes/defines these services, characteristics, and default values?
2. When I have the NRF 51 DK connected to my PC is there also a way to have Keil terminal/console print the BLE read/write values?
Thank you!