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JLinkARM DLL reported an error.

We have a board that has become unresponsive to programming. It worked well to program about 4 times and then is no longer responding to the J-Link device. The application is still running and sending data on the UART and SPI to a peripheral. I have attached the log from the following command: nrfjprog -e -f NRF91 --log

That command responds with:

ERROR: JLinkARM DLL reported an error. Try again. If error condition
ERROR: persists, run the same command again with argument --log, contact Nordic
ERROR: Semiconductor and provide the generated log.log file to them.

2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  nrfjprog -e -f NRF91 --log
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  nrfjprog version 10.2.1
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  nRF_logger_open
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  nRF_logger_open:	nRFJProg logger opened to callback at address 0X9535C0
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  nRF_open_dll
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  nRF_open_dll:	Load library at "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nordic Semiconductor\\nrf-command-line-tools\\bin\\JLINKARM_NRF91_NRFJPROG.dll".

2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . nRF91_logger_open
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . nRF91_logger_open:	nRFJProg logger opened to callback at address 0XF5F4560
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . nRF91_open_dll
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . nRF91_open_dll:	Load library at "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\SEGGER\\JLink_V644e\\JLinkARM.dll".

2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . nRF91_dll_version
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  nRF_enum_emu_snr
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . nRF91_enum_emu_snr
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  nRF_enum_emu_snr
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . nRF91_enum_emu_snr
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  nRF_connect_to_emu_with_snr
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . nRF91_connect_to_emu_with_snr
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . nRF91_is_connected_to_emu
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . nRF91_enum_emu_snr
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . nRF91_enum_emu_snr
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_with_snr
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	Segger logging enabled with callback at 0x264030448.

2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	 Firmware: J-Link V10 compiled Jul 23 2019 13:46:10
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	 Hardware: V10.10
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	 S/N: 50105144
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	 Feature(s): GDB
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	 TELNET listener socket opened on port 19021
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	WEBSRV  Starting webserver
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	 (0035ms, 0045ms total)  
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	WEBSRV Webserver running on local port 19080
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	 (0037ms, 0047ms total)  
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	  returns O.K.
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	 (0040ms, 0050ms total)  
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	JLINK_GetHWStatus(...)
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	  returns 0x00
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	 (0002ms, 0053ms total)  
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	JLINK_ExecCommand("Device = Cortex-M33", ...). 
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	XML file found at: C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\JLink_V644e\JLinkDevices.xml
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	 (0001ms, 0056ms total)  
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\JLink_V644e\JLinkDevices.xml evaluated successfully.
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	Device "CORTEX-M33" selected.
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	  returns 0x00
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	 (0101ms, 0156ms total)  
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	JLINK_ExecCommand("SetRestartOnClose = 0", ...). 
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	  returns 0x01
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	 (0001ms, 0158ms total)  
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	JLINK_ExecCommand("DisableFlashDL", ...). 
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	  returns 0x00
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	 (0001ms, 0160ms total)  
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	JLINK_ExecCommand("ExcludeFlashCacheRange 0x0-0xFFFFFFFF", ...). 
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	  returns 0x00
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	 (0001ms, 0162ms total)  
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	JLINK_TIF_Select(JLINKARM_TIF_SWD)
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	  returns 0x00
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	 (0002ms, 0165ms total)  
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	JLINK_SetSpeed(2000)
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	 (0001ms, 0167ms total)  
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  nRF_read_device_version
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . nRF91_read_device_version
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . nRF91_is_connected_to_emu
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . nRF91_is_connected_to_emu:	JLink INFO	JLINK_IsOpen()
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . nRF91_is_connected_to_emu:	JLink INFO	  returns 0x01
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . nRF91_is_connected_to_emu:	JLink INFO	 (0001ms, 0169ms total)  
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . nRF91_read_device_version
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_read_access_port_register
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . . nRF91_coresight_configure
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . . nRF91_coresight_configure:	JLink INFO	JLINK_CORESIGHT_Configure()
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . . nRF91_coresight_configure:	JLink INFO	  returns 0
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . . nRF91_coresight_configure:	JLink INFO	 (0102ms, 0271ms total)  
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . . nRF91_is_debug_region_powered
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . . . nRF91_read_debug_port_register
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . . . nRF91_read_debug_port_register:	JLink INFO	JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . . . nRF91_read_debug_port_register:	JLink INFO	  returns -1
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . . . nRF91_read_debug_port_register:	JLink INFO	 (0002ms, 0274ms total)  
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . . . nRF91_read_debug_port_register:	JLinkARM.dll CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg returned error -1.

2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  nRF_close_dll
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . nRF91_close_dll
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . nRF91_disconnect_from_emu
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_is_connected_to_emu
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_is_connected_to_emu:	JLink INFO	JLINK_IsOpen()
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_is_connected_to_emu:	JLink INFO	  returns 0x01
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_is_connected_to_emu:	JLink INFO	 (0001ms, 0276ms total)  
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_disconnect_from_emu
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . . nRF91_is_connected_to_device
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . . nRF91_is_connected_to_device:	JLink INFO	JLINK_IsConnected()
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . . nRF91_is_connected_to_device:	JLink INFO	  returns FALSE
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . . nRF91_is_connected_to_device:	JLink INFO	 (0001ms, 0277ms total)  
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . . nRF91_is_debug_region_powered
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . . . nRF91_read_debug_port_register
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . . . nRF91_read_debug_port_register:	JLink INFO	JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . . . nRF91_read_debug_port_register:	JLink INFO	  returns -1
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . . . nRF91_read_debug_port_register:	JLink INFO	 (0001ms, 0279ms total)  
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . . . nRF91_read_debug_port_register:	JLinkARM.dll CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg returned error -1.

2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . . . nRF91_disconnect_from_emu:	JLink INFO	JLINK_Close()
2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  . nRF91_close_dll:	Freeing Library.

2019-Aug-08 16:37:05  nRF_close_dll:	Freeing Library.

Parents Reply
  • Brought up another board and used PCA20035 instead of PCA10090. Unless there is a hardware issue with the first board it seems that some of the changes between PCA10090 and PCA20035 caused the programmer to not work. I have created the appropriate overlay files for our pinouts so it's a bit unclear what difference could cause this behavior.

  • Hi Gabriel,

    I'm a bit confused of your setup. From your previous reply my understanding is that you're using a custom board and an external J-link to program the board. You write that you used PCA20035 instead of PCA10090, which doesn't quite make sense to me, as PCA20035 (thingy 91) doesn't have an on-board debugger, and the PCA10090 has an on-board debugger, but this would contradict the first point of using an external j-link. Could you please do another attempt in explaining your setup, and could share your HW files of the custom board? I can make the case private if you don't want to share it in a public case. 


