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NRF Connect SDK install issue hub==2.0 not found leading to build errors.

I was trying to set up a second computer with the NRFConnect SDK today and encountered a new issue.  When I tried to install the requirements.txt for zephyr, I get this error:

C:\Nordic\ncs>pip3 install -r zephyr\scripts\requirements.txt
Collecting wheel==0.30.0 (from -r zephyr\scripts\requirements.txt (line 1))
Using cached
Collecting breathe==4.9.1 (from -r zephyr\scripts\requirements.txt (line 2))
Using cached
Collecting sphinx==1.7.5 (from -r zephyr\scripts\requirements.txt (line 3))
Using cached
Requirement already satisfied: docutils==0.14 in c:\python37\lib\site-packages (from -r zephyr\scripts\requirements.txt (line 4)) (0.14)
Collecting sphinx_rtd_theme (from -r zephyr\scripts\requirements.txt (line 5))
Using cached
Collecting sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter (from -r zephyr\scripts\requirements.txt (line 6))
Using cached
Collecting junit2html (from -r zephyr\scripts\requirements.txt (line 7))
Using cached
Requirement already satisfied: PyYAML>=3.13 in c:\python37\lib\site-packages (from -r zephyr\scripts\requirements.txt (line 8)) (4.2b4)
Collecting ply==3.10 (from -r zephyr\scripts\requirements.txt (line 9))
Using cached
Collecting hub==2.0 (from -r zephyr\scripts\requirements.txt (line 10))
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement hub==2.0 (from -r zephyr\scripts\requirements.txt (line 10)) (from versions: 0.0.1, 0.1.0, 0.1.1, 0.1.2, 0.1.3, 0.1.4, 0.1.5)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for hub==2.0 (from -r zephyr\scripts\requirements.txt (line 10))

I looked into it a little bit and with some googling found that new releases of this hub library were released today on 8/15. I'm not sure how to proceed. 

Now when I go into SES to try to build one of the SDK projects, I get errors I hadn't seen before but I'm not sure if they're related.

Any project I build gives this error:

Building ‘spm/zephyr/include/generated/driver-validation.h’ from solution ‘build’ in configuration ‘Common’
1> Combining ‘spm/zephyr/include/generated/driver-validation.h’
1> Traceback (most recent call last):
1> File "C:/Nordic/ncs/zephyr/scripts/", line 59, in <module>
1> from elf_helper import ElfHelper, kobject_to_enum
1> File "C:\Nordic\ncs\zephyr\scripts\", line 14, in <module>
1> import elftools
1> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'elftools'
Build failed

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Parents Reply
  • I have been using python 3.7.3 & pip version 19.2.1. I can test with python v3.7.4 & pip 19.2.2 to see if I see the same issue. I have also asked about this internally. Will update this case soon.

    Update: Could  &  please try running the following command?

    pip3 uninstall hub
    pip3 install hub==2.0

    What is the output you guys receive?

    I also received an update internally: "pip is not very good at handling multiple versions of dependencies, so if the user has one of the dependencies installed (but wrong version) pip will not install the correct version."
