Hello together,
in last 7 month every problem is solved about the stable nrf52dk, easy to understand SDK, pretty tutorials and so on (good job of the nordic developers!). But now I need support. I used the ble_app_uart and ble_app_uart_c examples (sdk15.2, many nrf52dk).
I modify ble_app_uart_c in scanning: My ble_app_uart_c collect data from beacons and store it. If there are no data my ble_app_uart_c only scans (no connecting to a ble_app_uart peripheral). If the bel_app_uart_c has stored data, ble_app_uart_c tries to connect to the ble_app_uart peripheral and transmit the data. If transmission finished the ble_app_uart_c disconnect from ble_app_uart and enter scanning mode (without connecting).
For testing every 10 seconds data are generated and the ble_app_uart_c makes 1)connect 2)transmit 3)disconnect 4)scan_only. Duration of connect-status about 300-500ms, show with bsp_leds.
Test with 1 ble_app_uart_c, 1 ble_app_uart: All ist ok, the ble_app_uart_c runs overnight without error.
Test with 2 ble_app_uart_c, 1 ble_app_uart: Within 1hour one of the ble_app_uart_c crashes in error. Before this happens it connects many times and will be disconnected with reason 0x3e.
Test with 3 ble_app_uart_c, 1 ble_app_uart: Within 10min one of the ble_app_uart_c crashes in error. Before this happens it connects many times and will be disconnected with reason 0x3e.
Test with 10 ble_app_uart_c, 1 ble_app_uart: Within 1min one or more ble_app_uart_c crashes in error. Before this happens it connects many times and will be disconnected with reason 0x3e.
It seems that the ble_app_uart peripheral stores connecting parameters and decline connection. But this contradict to functioning over minutes with many ble_app_uart_c and hundreds of connectings-and-transmissions till one after the other ble_app_uart_c crashes. Any idea?