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Startup Troubles on Dev Kit

I was able one time to power up the nRF9160 dev kit and see it connect to the cellular network and to nRF Cloud. Since then, it will only blink LED3, which indicates that it can't connect. I would like to re-flash the firmware, but I'm totally lost in all the circular links in the documentation. I have used the nRF52832 dev kit extensively so I'm quite familiar with the process, but it appears the nRF9160 dev kti adds several more layers of complexity. I would like to be able to load a simple "hello world" application, and then build on that with my application source code. Please guide me to some concise documentation.

Parents Reply
  • When I attempted to reinstall the toolchain, I discovered that I had previously installed it at the default location, buried under c:\Pragram Files (X86)...... So I have pointed the build at that, and it seems to work. In the next step, after opening emStudio, it says to

    Select File > Open nRF Connect SDK Project.

    Of the myriad "Open...." options on the menu, none includes text like that, nor anything remotely similar. Did I go off down the wrong rabbit-hole again?

  • What is the name of the window (the text on the border of the window)?

    It should say SEGGER Embedded Studio for ARM (Nordic Edition) V4.xx, emphasis mine, with xx being your version number (probably 20).

    This version is slightly different from the standard Segger Embedded Studio.

    If you have the wrong version, you can find download links here (from the Getting Started Assistant):

    If you have the right version the right button can be found here:

  • That link gave me a large zipfile. Just to be sure, what directory should I unzip to?

  • Well, I'm still slogging along here. I finally got to the step of opening an nRF Connect project, entered the starting paths etc. as shown in the Getting Started Assistant, and here's the result:

    I don't understand why this process is so difficult, when I installed exactly according to the directions, and stayed with all the default directories, etc. Did anyone test this before release?

    How should I best resolve the problem reported in the box above?

  • What did you set the environment variable GNUARMEMB_TOOLCHAIN_PATH and the SES option "GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain Directory" to?

    And where did you install the arm-none-eabi toolchain?

    Regarding where to unzip SES to, the Getting Started Assistant says:

    "Extract SEGGER Embedded Studio to your preferred folder."

    I put it in C:\

  • Re: What did you set the environment variable GNUARMEMB_TOOLCHAIN_PATH and the SES option "GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain Directory" to?

    There are no such environment variables on my system. Are you referring to something other than environment variables, and if so, where would I find them?

    Re: And where did you install the arm-none-eabi toolchain?

    I don't recall seeing that. Whatever it was, I simply took the defaults at every step. This process is so long and convoluted I'm losing track of anything I did. Certainly nothing like the comparatively clean and simple installation process for the 52832 dev kit.

    Re: Regarding where to unzip SES to, the Getting Started Assistant says:
    "Extract SEGGER Embedded Studio to your preferred folder."
    I put it in C:\

    Mine is in C:\Segger. I do not recall explicitly choosing that directory.

    Another issue: Every time i start up SES, it claims there's no license installed. I request and receive an activation link for use with Nordic products, install that, and it's fine - until I close SES and later reopen it.