I am looking for some 'getting started' information on configuring the nrf52833 DK for direction finding.
I have read the thread: https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/53115/nrf52811-direction-finding-aoa-where-should-i-start where Dmitry gives the overview of steps needed to obtain I/Q data.
The small issue is: How do you do that with Softdevice? I am trying to leverage the ble_app_uart project and modify it to send the appropriate tone extension on the advertising packet. However, I try to modify the DFEMODE (0x40001900) register, then when softdevice loads, DFEMODE gets reset to 0x0. The SDK states that the radio needs to be disabled before modifying a Radio register. If I try that, softdevice panics and I get sent to the error handler.
I thought that the BLE 5.1 spec said the tone accompanied the advertising packet. Is the current Nordic implication one that I need to omit softdevice and control the radio directly?
Thank you for your insights!