We're working on a ble hid keyboard project, and we need some clarifications on how the keyboard keys press/release is done !
We've started with the example in the sdk v16.0.0, the example uses the keys_send() function to send a press followed by a release of that key.
In this function there is send_key_scan_press_release() , and i think this is the responsible for sending a press followed by a release of the key.
In our use case, we need to send just a press when the button is pushed, and a release when the button is released. in this case a hold on the button will output a successive key presses , and when released it will output just one release . this is achieved with the USB keyboard version using the app_usbd_hid_kbd_key_control() function.
static void button_event_handler(uint8_t pin_no, uint8_t button_action) { ret_code_t err_code; switch(pin_no) { case BUTTON_1: if(button_action == APP_BUTTON_PUSH) { UNUSED_RETURN_VALUE(app_usbd_hid_kbd_key_control(&m_app_hid_kbd, CONFIG_KBD_KEY[0] , true)); //NRF_LOG_INFO("button1 pressed"); } else if(button_action == APP_BUTTON_RELEASE) { UNUSED_RETURN_VALUE(app_usbd_hid_kbd_key_control(&m_app_hid_kbd, CONFIG_KBD_KEY[0] , false)); //NRF_LOG_INFO("button1 release"); } break; } }
the BLE hid keyboard output on the host, should be as in the picture bellow (same as with the USB version) :
Any help, clarifications, recommendations on how to achieve that is highly appreciated !
Best Regards,