Hey guys,
I want to create an accurate timer without interrupts. My timer has to be very accurate because I have to send HIGH and LOW signals for 1us. I have read this post to know that I need high-frequency clock source (HFCLK, 16 MHz), which means better resolution (62.5 ns) and higher power consumption (typ. 5 or 70 uA depending on HFCLK source). But I don't know how to program my code so I followed this post and this post. But I have still some problems with it. I post my code below.
My timer should only replace the unaccurate nrf_delay_us.
#include <stdint.h> #include "nrf_delay.h" #include "app_error.h" #include "nrf_gpio.h" #include "nrf_drv_timer.h" #define OUTPUT_PIN 18 /** @brief Function for Timer 1 initialization. */ void TIMEOUT_TIMER1_Init(void) { NRF_TIMER1->TASKS_STOP = 1; /**< Stop Timer 1 */ NRF_TIMER1->TASKS_CLEAR = 1; /**< Clear Timer 1 */ NRF_TIMER1->MODE = 0; /**< Mode 0: Timer */ NRF_TIMER1->BITMODE = 3; /**< Bitmode 3: 32 bit (for what?, What happens if I choose 16 bit?) */ NRF_TIMER1->PRESCALER = 4; /**< Prescaler 4: 1us Timer -> f(TIMER) = 16MHz / (2^PRESCALER) = 1MHz -> t(TIMER) = 1us */ NRF_TIMER1->INTENCLR = TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE0_Disabled | TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE1_Disabled | TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE2_Disabled | TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE3_Disabled | TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE4_Disabled | TIMER_INTENCLR_COMPARE5_Disabled; /**< Disable all interrupts */ } void TIMEROUT_TIMER1_Start(uint32_t timeout_us) { NRF_TIMER1->TASKS_STOP = 1; NRF_TIMER1->TASKS_CLEAR = 1; // this line: set TIMER1 to 0 (start value) // this line: hand over the time "timeout_us" to TIMER1 (end time) // this line: stop TIMER1 if end time ("timeout_us") is reached NRF_TIMER1->TASKS_START = 1; } void Write_Byte(uint8_t byte) { int walk; for (walk = 0; walk < 8; ++walk) { nrf_gpio_pin_clear(OUTPUT_PIN); if (byte & 0x01) { TIMEROUT_TIMER1_Start(1); //instead of nrf_delay_us() nrf_gpio_pin_set(OUTPUT_PIN); TIMEROUT_TIMER1_Start(60); //instead of nrf_delay_us() } else { TIMEROUT_TIMER1_Start(60); //instead of nrf_delay_us() nrf_gpio_pin_set(OUTPUT_PIN); TIMEROUT_TIMER1_Start(1); //instead of nrf_delay_us() } byte >>= 1; } } /** * @brief Function for application main entry. */ int main(void) { uint32_t err_code; TIMEOUT_TIMER1_Init; uint8_t AA = 0xAA; nrf_gpio_cfg_output(OUTPUT_PIN); while (true) { Write_Byte(AA); nrf_delay_us(20); } }
In line 19: (Init) Why should I use 32 bits and not 16 bits? where is the difference?
In lines 35 - 37: (time function) I hope you can help me here. I don't know how I can hand over my timeout value to my function and to my timer, so that the timer can work with it...
I hope, you can help me.
Thanks in advance,