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nrf52810 not responding to SDK simple examples

Greetings Nordicsemi

Have an issue on the BLE651 (453-0005C), in bulit with nrf58210, have bought a 2 sample pieces on a stockist market,

Starting there were a few errors in the SDK, which have to be adjusted, have look up in this Devzone, not sure whether it was the right solution too

1) nrf_erratas.h (include the lib path to DeviceFamilyPack)

2) insufficient RAM for Flash Algorithms, (have adjusted the to 0x2000)

Here's are the solutions that Larid provided me so far, and yet the nrf58210, is still responding, yet not to what the SDK implies

1) Understanding BLE, normal OS bluetooth utility on computers are not able to detect the app bluetooth signals, have adopted nrf Connect Application via smartphone, yet it was not detected via scan

2) nRF5_SDK\components\softdevice\common\nrf_sdh.c


3) Have adjusted the program to test single i/o testing, the module did not respond to the function? or isit flash into the module?

Examples Used :


SDK used:  nRF5SDK14101 dda907

Platform used : Keil V5

Flash Progammer : ST - LINKER



  • Hello,

    Does your application use the softdevice?

    From your HW diagrams it looks like your HW doesn't have an LFXTAL, is that correct? If so, you must configure your device to use the internal RC Oscillator. How this is done depends on whether you use the softdevice or not.

    Search for LFCLK in sdk_config.h


  • Greetings Edvin

    Please allow me to test it out for a moment, while i get back to you

    In the meantime, here's to reply your curioisity 

    Yes, in the beginning was using the example to do UART communication from SDK

    Next the hardware, yes am using internal RC OSC, 

    "How this is done depends on whether you use the softdevice or not." quoting from you

    actually does softdevice or not, still the OSC requires to be configure, cause the enable single GPIO is also not responding the video using the dtm example (direct to mode, althought this is in UART)

    as have bought the module without the development kit, to development a package, later on there will be more queries on how to scan via pairing dongle

  • Greetings Edvin

    Still not advertising, to detect the BLE651, Nordic UART , however when probe with the led using the example, shown in the image, is like the video mention, tx pin 19 lights up

    #define DEVICE_NAME                     "Nordic_UART"                               /**< Name of device. Will be included in the advertising data. */

    here's the video, from Laird, which i have connect using  nrf connect application from the smartphone

    (See video on link:

  • Greetings,

    The video containing the AT commands is not something that Nordic has made. The AT commands is preflashed software that Laird has made, so if you have questions for this, you need to discuss this with Laird. 

    Does Laird provide a separate board file that you are supposed to replace pca10040.h with? Because it doesn't have the same pinouts as the nRF52832 DK.

    Did you remember to flash the S132 softdevice from SDK\components\softdevice\s132?



  • Greetings Edvin

    Laird provides an example from nRF52832 DK, instead of BLE 651 nRF52810, therefore did not flash S132 softdevice, all along have been using S112, pca10040e examples, yet the generic i/o commands to light up is not doing the command line given in the program, like previously explained?

  • Purely usingly Nordic SDK examples to do the detection to check the module bought?

  • But you flashed the S112 softdevice, then?

    I don't know if the unmodified examples from the SDK will work. That depends on the pinout on your board. Check out the pca10040.h file in the SDK (or the equivalent file that is used in your project). 

    I am not familiar with Laird's evaluation boards. I suggest you contact them and check if they have any known issues or userguides. 



  • But you flashed the S112 softdevice, then?

    I don't know if the unmodified examples from the SDK will work. That depends on the pinout on your board. Check out the pca10040.h file in the SDK (or the equivalent file that is used in your project). 

    I am not familiar with Laird's evaluation boards. I suggest you contact them and check if they have any known issues or userguides. 



  • Yes have flash S112 device, and used the Nordic SDK, whereas the links send, therefore maybe could you have any simple example to share just to verify the modules bought are good? BLE651, nRF52810

    Have not used Laird DK, this is to development quick models of the BLE transmission

  • I do not have a Laird DK, so I can not guarantee that any project that I compile works. 

    1. It looks like, from your "connections made" layout, that you are not using an LFXTAL. Please set this in your sdk_config.h file for your project:

    #define NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_SRC 0
    #define NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_RC_CTIV 16

    After you have done this, please let me know what project you are testing on, and tell me the path to that sdk_config.h file.

    2: How do you flash the application and the softdevice? Can you show me some screenshots?

    3: Have you tried to debug? Is the main() function reached?

  • Greetings Edvin

    Sorry for being lengthy

    On side too have no Laird SDK, which is not needed for this development  yet, cause have only downloaded the examples from Nordic SDK web site,

    for pointer 1, yes have done both with the prescribe with or without XTAL and change the clock settings, is in the video links, please refer to them again in the above, as right have tested adjusted the parameters, they are still responding the same as previous describe

    pointer 2, this links shows, how it was flash, before and after editied the parameters/ add the XTAL is the same

    pointer 3,

    Yes, have used 3 exmaples

    1)... \nRF5SDK14101dda907\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_uart\pca10040e\s112\arm5_no_packs\ble_app_uart_pca10040e_s112

    this example, using the Laird BLE smartphone app should be able to pick up the adverister, however is not in the


    this example, is the one that keeps the led on, which suggest that module is not yet configured?

    3) is a modifed example from (2)direct_test_mode_pca10040e, have change it to the below image, toggle led on tx, rx pin 18, 19 to normal output generation, it seems not responding to the commands, instead only original direct_test_mode_pca10040e example have the led to light on, which even when and FTDI (USB - UART/TTL) device to the tx,rx pins, and connected comupter via a virtual terminal, there is no transmission

    have debug using toggle led, yet the functions are not responding

    the path is on the screen on top

  • Greetings,

    I am not familiar with how the DTM examples are working.


    ell said:

    1)... \nRF5SDK14101dda907\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_uart\pca10040e\s112\arm5_no_packs\ble_app_uart_pca10040e_s112

    this example, using the Laird BLE smartphone app should be able to pick up the adverister, however is not in the


    Have you tried debugging? Does the log say anything?

  • Sure, have found a module Nordic 52832 Chipset, and have alternate sources to use, meanwhile do you know any examples that you are familiar that will work with the nrf52810 chipset?
