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nRF52840 Dongle Windows 10 driver


I'm using a nRF52840 Dongle with connectivity_4.1.1 in my workstation without problems. 

Recently, I deploy my custom application (using the dongle) to a new Windows 10 machine and the default drivers does not allow me to use the dongle. 

Please, may I know if there is a distribution for the driver (see picture below) without installing nRF Connect Desktop


  • Hello,

    I am having this exact issue. I need a new Windows 10 environment (without nRF Connect downloaded) to recognize the connectivity dongle as nRF Connect USB CDC ACM. Right now if I plug in the dongle to this new environment, device manager shows the dongle as Other -> nrf52 connectivity and nothing on Ports (COM & LPT). I noticed the Hu Lao's very detailed inquery was not properly answered in this thread, would anyone be able to update us on how to install the CDC ACM driver on a new windows 10 machine without downloading nRF Connect? Thank you!


  • Hello Alex,

    Sorry for my late reply.

    GeronimoDelsys said:
    I noticed the Hu Lao's very detailed inquery was not properly answered in this thread, would anyone be able to update us on how to install the CDC ACM driver on a new windows 10 machine without downloading nRF Connect?

    Have you completed the 4th step of the Testing section of the USB CDC example from nRF5 SDK?
    It explains how to install the CDC ACM driver on a new windows machine, without downloading nRF Connect.

    Are you doing the exact procedure as shown by Lu Hao in the included videos? If so, I would like to mention that the driver installation clearly states that the installation failed.
    Furthermore, I can not recommend to download the master branch of the github repositories - you should always, exclusively download tagged releases.

    Looking forward to resolve this issue together!

    Best regards,

  • HI Karl,

    Thanks for getting back to me. I am using Windows 10, and step 4 in that link is for installing the driver with Windows 7. Fortunately, I was able to figure out how to install the drivers on my machine. The pc-nrfconnect-launcher repo has an exe for downloading the drivers (build/drivers/nrfconnect-driver-installer.exe). I set up my installer to run that exe automatically, and it worked well! Thanks for the help!


  • Hello again Alex,

    GeronimoDelsys said:
    Thanks for getting back to me.

    No problem at all, I am happy to help!

    GeronimoDelsys said:
    Fortunately, I was able to figure out how to install the drivers on my machine. The pc-nrfconnect-launcher repo has an exe for downloading the drivers (build/drivers/nrfconnect-driver-installer.exe). I set up my installer to run that exe automatically, and it worked well! Thanks for the help!

    I am glad to hear that you were able to resolve the issue, and that it is now functioning as expected. Great!

    Please do not hesitate to open a new ticket on the forum if you should encounter any issues or questions in the future.

    Good luck with your development!

    Best regards,

  • Hello Karl,

    I hope you doing well, actually, in my project, I want to use the nrf52840 dongle for a PC, that doesn't have inbuilt Bluetooth. so I have seen a lot of reference videos for the nrf52840 dongle and they used nrf connect desktop app so after flashing some bootloader code custom dongle board enters into open boot loader mode, then in Bluetooth low energy option asks for a program flash then I gave yes for flashing. now it acts as a dongle so I can scan peripheral devices and connect them. so without using nrf connect app can we do it as an inbuilt Bluetooth and scan it as we do in Windows 10 ??. if yes how do we do that? and also after connecting the peripheral device how can we send that data from the peripheral device to the dongle and print it in a notepad??. I have already raised a query and there is no proper response. I am working on it for 2 months but I couldn't complete it. please help me to resolve this.

    Thank You.

  • Hello,

    Karl is out of office this week, so I will handle your question. 

    sagarnayakm said:
    I have already raised a query and there is no proper response.

    I couldn't find your ticket. Do you have a link?

    I understand what you want to do, but I have to disappoint you. It is not possible to use the nRF52840 dongle as a generic Bluetooth Dongle in Windows. Note that the nRF52840 only has Bluetooth Low Energy, and not Bluetooth Classic (what most audio over Bluetooth uses). Because it is lacking this, Windows will not accept it as a Bluetooth Dongle.

    I have not tested this, but it is possible to use it as a Bluetooth dongle on Linux, but it will only work with BLE devices.

    sagarnayakm said:
    and also after connecting the peripheral device how can we send that data from the peripheral device to the dongle and print it in a notepad??

    Even if you have a normal Bluetooth Dongle, it will not out of the box dump that information into a notepad (I assume you mean a .txt document). You would have to write a desktop application that does this. 

    Best regards,


  • It is not possible to use the nRF52840 dongle as a generic Bluetooth Dongle in Windows. Note that the nRF52840 only has Bluetooth Low Energy, and not Bluetooth Classic (what most audio over Bluetooth uses). Because it is lacking this, Windows will not accept it as a Bluetooth Dongle.

    So, you mean we need to use the nrf connect desktop application and Bluetooth low energy app to scan the peripheral devices right.? if so can we use the Peripheral to central example directly to connect the peripheral device? i tried ble_app_blinky and ble_app_blinky_c examples for LBS so I am sending button state data from ble_app_blinky(peripheral) to ble_app_blinky_c(Central) it's working fine.

    And now I wanted to do for the nrf52832 dev kit to the nrf52840 dongle, yes as of now I can use the ble_app_blinky code for the peripheral to send the button state data to the nrf52840 dongle. but here when i try to flash the dongle from nrf connect desktop app it asks for the flashing, I gave yes and flashed the dongle. so now i want the source file of it because I example I have is usbd_cdc_acm which can send/receive the data. but it didn't act as a dongle like scanning the peripheral devices.

    so please give me the source files of it or tell me if any comfortable examples are available in SDK. 

    Even if you have a normal Bluetooth Dongle, it will not out of the box dump that information into a notepad (I assume you mean a .txt document). You would have to write a desktop application that does this. 

    ok, I got it, if it's possible to send the data to the terminal it's enough. 

      Thank You.

  • It is not possible to use the nRF52840 dongle as a generic Bluetooth Dongle in Windows. Note that the nRF52840 only has Bluetooth Low Energy, and not Bluetooth Classic (what most audio over Bluetooth uses). Because it is lacking this, Windows will not accept it as a Bluetooth Dongle.

    So, you mean we need to use the nrf connect desktop application and Bluetooth low energy app to scan the peripheral devices right.? if so can we use the Peripheral to central example directly to connect the peripheral device? i tried ble_app_blinky and ble_app_blinky_c examples for LBS so I am sending button state data from ble_app_blinky(peripheral) to ble_app_blinky_c(Central) it's working fine.

    And now I wanted to do for the nrf52832 dev kit to the nrf52840 dongle, yes as of now I can use the ble_app_blinky code for the peripheral to send the button state data to the nrf52840 dongle. but here when i try to flash the dongle from nrf connect desktop app it asks for the flashing, I gave yes and flashed the dongle. so now i want the source file of it because I example I have is usbd_cdc_acm which can send/receive the data. but it didn't act as a dongle like scanning the peripheral devices.

    so please give me the source files of it or tell me if any comfortable examples are available in SDK. 

    Even if you have a normal Bluetooth Dongle, it will not out of the box dump that information into a notepad (I assume you mean a .txt document). You would have to write a desktop application that does this. 

    ok, I got it, if it's possible to send the data to the terminal it's enough. 

      Thank You.

  • Hello,

    I don't think any of these questions are related to the original question from this post. I can answer this one, but for follow ups, please create a new ticket. Feel free to link to this one for background information.

    Actually, the FW that is flashed on the dongle by nRF Connect for Desktop -> Bluetooth LE is a modified version of the SDK\examples\connectivity\ble_connectivity. This is a proprietary serialization API that windows doesn't know about, so you will never be able to use it as a BLE dongle for the OS. But it is possible to use it for scripting, such as using a python application to send and receive the USB messages to start scanning, connecting and so on (the things that nRF Connect for Desktop does). However, we don't recommend this for production. It is a development tool, and it should only be used for testing. If you want to test it, you can search for pc-ble-driver. There is a .c variant and a python variant. This will be the application that communicates (UART or USB) with the dongle. You will find some information on how to set up and use it on the github repository for pc-ble-driver or pc-ble-driver-py. Just note that this is not something that we officially recommend, and it is a bit difficult to use. 

    If there is a particular BLE peripheral that you want to connect to, I suggest you rather write an application for the nRF that will scan for and connect to that particular device. Then you can enable notifications on whatever characteristic you need, and then forward that data to the UART/USB. Then you would need an application (python, for example) running on your computer that takes the data from the COM port, and saves it in a txt file, or prints it to a log, or whatever you want to do with it. 

    Best regards,


  • Hello,

    Thanks for the useful information. 

    this is my last question Are there any other ways to send the sensor data from the nrf52832 dev kit to a Bluetooth-less desktop wirelessly.??

    if yes I will raise a new ticket and share the case ID.

    Thank You.
