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nRF Sniffer option not available in Wireshark for Mac

I am trying to capture sniffer logs for a custom BLE peripheral using nRF51 dongle and Wireshark. I am following this guide here to install the Sniffer tool in Wireshark. 

I have programmed my nRF51 dongle using the Programmer app in nRF Connect app. I programmed it with the hex file sniffer_pca10031_129d2b3.hex because the dongle has a sticker of PCA10031 on it. 

I am currently stuck at Step 4. I successfully completed step 3 and below is the result when I run the command sh --extcap-interfaces

usage: dirname path
extcap {version=3.0.0}{display=nRF Sniffer for Bluetooth LE}{help=}
interface {value=/dev/cu.usbmodem0006804533651}{display=nRF Sniffer for Bluetooth LE}
control {number=0}{type=selector}{display=Device}{tooltip=Device list}
control {number=1}{type=string}{display=Passkey / OOB key}{tooltip=6 digit temporary key or 16 byte Out-of-band (OOB) key in hexadecimal starting with '0x', big endian format. If the entered key is shorter than 16 bytes, it will be zero-padded in front'}{validation=\b^(([0-9]{6})|(0x[0-9a-fA-F]{1,32}))$\b}
control {number=2}{type=string}{display=Adv Hop}{default=37,38,39}{tooltip=Advertising channel hop sequence. Change the order in which the siffer switches advertising channels. Valid channels are 37, 38 and 39 separated by comma.}{validation=^\s*((37|38|39)\s*,\s*){0,2}(37|38|39){1}\s*$}{required=true}
control {number=3}{type=button}{role=help}{display=Help}{tooltip=Access user guide (launches browser)}
control {number=4}{type=button}{role=restore}{display=Defaults}{tooltip=Resets the user interface and clears the log file}
control {number=5}{type=button}{role=logger}{display=Log}{tooltip=Log per interface}
value {control=0}{value= }{display=All advertising devices}{default=true}

I installed the latest Wireshark version for Mac and there was no Interface Toolbars option under View. I found this post here which says that the guide was written for older version so I downgraded my Wireshark to v2.4.2 and also tried on v2.4.6 but in vain.

I tried rebooting the Wireshark software and also the laptop but the option did not appear. I also unplugged and plugged back the dongle to see any changes in the list of interfaces (after clicking Refresh) but it did not list nRF Sniffer for Bluetooth LE

I found a similar ticket here, I made sure that my unzipped contents were swimming in the extcap directory directly and were not in a separate folder. When I ran this command 

python --extcap-interfaces

I got this error:

  File "", line 245
    header += struct.pack('<L', int((timestamp - int(timestamp)) * 1_000_000))  # Microseconds
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Could you please tell me how do I capture the sniffer logs? Is there an updated guide for that?

Parents Reply
  • I downloaded the latest SEGGER J-Link from that link above and reprogrammed my nRF51 dongle with the appropriate HEX file. I then tried to capture packets but nothing showed up on my screen. I had both the central and peripheral advertising and then connecting in the background

    I then tried to disable USB mass storage as seen from the logs below:

    Last login: Wed Aug 19 16:03:27 on ttys000
    sarthajagetia@Sarthaks-Mac-Book ~ % /Applications/SEGGER/JLink_V682d/JLinkExe ; exit;
    SEGGER J-Link Commander V6.82d (Compiled Aug 13 2020 17:15:10)
    DLL version V6.82d, compiled Aug 13 2020 17:14:54
    Connecting to J-Link via USB...O.K.
    Firmware: J-Link OB-SAM3U128-V2-NordicSemi compiled Mar 17 2020 14:43:00
    Hardware version: V1.00
    S/N: 680453365
    License(s): RDI, FlashBP, FlashDL, JFlash, GDB
    Type "connect" to establish a target connection, '?' for help
    Probe configured successfully.

    Then I relaunched the Wireshark application and still nothing showed up on my screen. 
    Are there any logs that I can grab and provide you which can help in debugging this? 

    I am not sure if this is related but if I press the "red" Stop Capturing Packets button it throws me file not found error. 
