Where can I find the presentation used in the "Introduction to the Zephyr RTOS Webinar"?
Where can I find the presentation used in the "Introduction to the Zephyr RTOS Webinar"?
You can download the presentation here: 7220.Zephyr Introduction - Nordic Webinar - Sept. 24.pdf
The webinar link can be found here: https://webinars.nordicsemi.com/introduction-to-the-zephyr-rtos-3
The Q&A can be downloaded here: 3583.finalQandA.pdf
Hi Bjorn,
Thank you for sharing the presentation. However, I cannot find the Q&A link?
Thank you.
Hi Mohamed, I just uploaded the Q&A link now.
Thank you Bjorn.
One general question about accessing information on how to do things for developers using nRF5340 with Zephyr.
I am finding myself getting information from the nordic Infocenter but this source assumes Zephyr is not used. Then I look at the samples provided and find actually, things are done differently. For example to set the UART one can either use the PSEL.RXD etc... registers or the .dts file. I am wondering whether there is a location where the information specific to users of nRF5340 with Zephyr is stored.
Thank you.
One way of making developers aware of the alternative way of doing things would be to refer to it in the infocenter at the point where that feature is being described. For instance, when describing the use of the PSEL.RXD add a note to Zephyr users about the Device Tree and the .dts file.