Where can I find the presentation used in the "Introduction to the Zephyr RTOS Webinar"?
Where can I find the presentation used in the "Introduction to the Zephyr RTOS Webinar"?
You can download the presentation here: 7220.Zephyr Introduction - Nordic Webinar - Sept. 24.pdf
The webinar link can be found here: https://webinars.nordicsemi.com/introduction-to-the-zephyr-rtos-3
The Q&A can be downloaded here: 3583.finalQandA.pdf
You can download the presentation here: 7220.Zephyr Introduction - Nordic Webinar - Sept. 24.pdf
The webinar link can be found here: https://webinars.nordicsemi.com/introduction-to-the-zephyr-rtos-3
The Q&A can be downloaded here: 3583.finalQandA.pdf